10.5 Lab: Blind SSRF with out-of-band detection | 2024
This site uses analytics software which fetches the URL specified in the Referer header when a product page is loaded. To solve the lab, use this functionality to cause an HTTP request to the public Burp Collaborator server | Karthikeyan Nagaraj
This site uses analytics software which fetches the URL specified in the Referer header when a product page is loaded.
To solve the lab, use this functionality to cause an HTTP request to the public Burp Collaborator server.
- Click a product, capture the request, and Send it to Repeater.
- Remove the Referer Value and type http://
- Right-click, click Insert Collaborator Link and send the request.
- Go to the Collaborator tab and Click Poll Now to solve the Lab
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Happy Ethical Hacking ~
Author: Karthikeyan Nagaraj ~ Cyberw1ng