10 Steps to Get Started in Bug Bounty Hunting

The potential rewards? Well, they’re not just monetary. There’s a real sense of achievement in knowing that your skills can help secure digital spaces

InfoSec Write-ups


Greetings, future bug bounty hunters! Welcome to the exciting world of cybersecurity, a domain where curiosity, passion, and perseverance can turn into profitable skills.

Bug bounty hunting, in particular, can be a thrilling adventure, one where you navigate complex digital landscapes in search of elusive vulnerabilities.

The potential rewards?

Well, they’re not just monetary; there’s a real sense of achievement in knowing that your skills can help secure digital spaces.

So, if you’re ready to explore, here are the proven 10 steps to kickstart your journey into bug bounty hunting.

Step 1: Start with the basics

Before you go bug hunting, it’s important to understand the terrain. Learn the basics of web technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL.

Don’t forget networking and basic system administration.

The more you understand about these technologies, the easier it’ll be for you to find the cracks.

Step 2: Get hands-on experience

Apply what you’ve learned.

Build simple web applications. Break them, then fix them.

My early days were full of “Oops!” and “Aha!” moments, and I cherished every single one of them because they made me better at my craft.

Step 3: Learn about common vulnerabilities

There are plenty of resources to learn about common web vulnerabilities.

OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) is a good starting point. Their Top 10 lists the most critical web application security risks.

Step 4: Practice on designed platforms

Test your skills on platforms like Hack The Box, OWASP WebGoat, or OWASP Juice Shop.

They’re designed for learning and practice, and the safe, legal environments let you flex your skills without worrying about overstepping boundaries.

Step 5: Understand the legal aspects

Before you go live, understand the rules.

Bug bounty hunting isn’t a wild west; it’s a regulated activity with its dos and don’ts. Never test without permission and always follow the disclosed guidelines.

Step 6: Register on a Bug Bounty Platform

Sign up on platforms like HackerOne, Bugcrowd, or Open Bug Bounty.

These platforms provide a structured and legal way to hunt for bugs and get paid.

Step 7: Choose your targets wisely

Start with less competitive targets.

There’s no shame in hunting for low hanging fruits when you’re starting.

I remember my first bounty; it was a simple cross-site scripting (XSS) bug on a lesser-known website. The thrill was indescribable!

Step 8: Patience and Persistence

Don’t expect to find a bug in your first try.

Remember, bug bounty hunting is like actual hunting; sometimes you wait for hours, or days, before spotting anything.

Step 9: Write clear reports

Once you’ve found a bug, write a clear and detailed report.

Include the steps to reproduce the bug, the potential impact, and if possible, suggest a fix.

A well-written report increases the chances of your bug being accepted and rewarded.

Step 10: Keep learning and evolving

Security is a rapidly evolving field. What worked yesterday might not work today.

So, keep updating your skills, learn about new vulnerabilities, and stay curious.

Bonus Step 11: Responsible Disclosure

While it can be tempting to immediately share your findings with the world, remember that responsible disclosure is a key principle in bug bounty hunting.

After you’ve reported a vulnerability, allow the organization ample time to respond and fix the issue.

⚠️ Never publish a vulnerability unless it has been resolved or you have explicit permission from the organization. ⚠️

This protects users from potential exploitation and maintains trust between you and the organization. In my early days, I was eager to show my findings, but I quickly learned the importance of patience and discretion in handling these matters.


Starting your bug bounty journey involves mastering technical skills, understanding legal boundaries, and developing an ethical mindset.

Remember, every pro was once a beginner.

Now, it’s your turn to embark on this thrilling adventure. Get ready, set, and go hunt!

You’re not alone in this journey. The cybersecurity community is filled with professionals ready to share their knowledge and experiences. Always be respectful, be patient, and keep that passion for learning alive.

Basic Web Technologies

  1. Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)
  2. W3Schools

Common Vulnerabilities

  1. OWASP Top Ten

Practicing Platforms

  1. Hack The Box
  2. OWASP WebGoat
  3. OWASP Juice Shop

Bug Bounty Platforms

  1. HackerOne
  2. Bugcrowd
  3. Open Bug Bounty

Enjoyed the read? For more on Web Development, JavaScript, Next.js, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain, check out my other articles here:

If you have questions or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out at caleb.pro@pm.me or in the comments section.

[Disclosure: Every article I pen is a fusion of my ideas and the supportive capabilities of artificial intelligence. While AI assists in refining and elaborating, the core thoughts and concepts stem from my perspective and knowledge. To know more about my creative process, read this article.]



🌐 JavaScript & Web Dev Enthusiast | 👨‍💻 Cybersecurity specialist ! 🔗 Blockchain Explorer | caleb.pro@pm.me