Advent of Cyber 2022 [Day 23] Defence in Depth | Mission ELFPossible: Abominable for a Day-Simple Write up

Task 28-Defence in Depth | Mission ELFPossible: Abominable for a Day-Advent of Cyber 2022 [Day 23]-Answers Write-up and Walkthrough By Karthikeyan Nagaraj

Karthikeyan Nagaraj
InfoSec Write-ups


Task 28 [Day 23] Defence in Depth | Mission ELFPossible: Abominable for a Day

1. Case 1: What is the password for Santa’s Vault?

Ans: S3cr3tV@ultPW

2. Case 1: What is the Flag?

Ans: THM{EZ_fl@6!}

3. Case 2: What is Santa’s favourite thing?

Ans: MilkAndCookies

4. Case 2: What is the password for Santa’s Vault?

Click on the Search bar on the Laptop to Enter Laptop’s Passwordqn7

Ans: 3XtrR@_S3cr3tV@ultPW

5. Case 2: What is the Flag?

Ans: THM{m0@r_5t3pS_n0w!}

6. Case 3: What is the Executive Assistant’s favourite thing?

Ans: BanoffeePie

7. Case 3: What is Santa’s previous password?

  • Remind Santa to change his laptop password and make it harder to guess! Everyone knows his tendency to be lazy and repetitive…
Ans: H0tCh0coL@t3_01

8. Case 3: What is Santa’s current password?

HINT: Can’t really blame Santa if he’s too lazy for big password changes… He’s super busy! Try changing the last digit of his old password and see if that works.

Ans: H0tCh0coL@t3_02

8. Case 3: What is the 1st part of the vault’s password?

Ans: N3w4nd1m

9. Case 3: What is the 2nd part of the vault’s password?

We Already find the Answer on the 7th Question

Ans: Pr0v3dV@ultPW

10. Case 3: What is the password for Santa’s Vault?

Combination of the Above Two Passwords

Ans: N3w4nd1mPr0v3dV@ultPW

11. Case 3: What is the Flag?

code : 2845

Ans: THM{B@d_Y3t1_1s_n@u6hty}

12. What is Santa’s Code?

The Code is in the Above Task’s Video at the End

Ans: 2845

13. Mission ELFPossible: What is the Abominable for a Day Flag?

Ans: THM{D3f3n5e_1n_D3pth_1s_k00L!!}

Thank you for Reading!!

Happy Hacking ~

Author: Karthikeyan Nagaraj

THM , TryHackMe , TryHackMe Advent of Cyber 2022 , TryHackMe Advent of Cyber 4 Day 23, Ethical Hacking , Write up , Walk through , TryHackMe Advent of Cyber 2022 Day 23 Answers , Security perimeter , flag , defence in depth

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