Advent of Cyber 2022 [Day9]-Pivoting | Dock the halls — Short Writeup and Walkthrough

Advent of Cyber 2022 [Day9]-Pivoting | Dock the halls Writeup and Walkthrough Task 14 Answers by Karthikeyan Nagaraj

Karthikeyan Nagaraj
InfoSec Write-ups


1. Deploy the attached VM, and wait a few minutes. What ports are open?

Perform a Port Scan with Nmap

Ans: 80

2. What framework is the web application developed with?

Open the <Machine-Ip> in a Browser, At the Bottom it will display the String Laravel

Ans: laravel

3. What CVE is the application vulnerable to?

Ans: CVE-2021-3129

4. What command can be used to upgrade the last opened session to a Meterpreter session?

Ans: sessions -u -1

5. What file indicates a session has been opened within a Docker container?

What is Docker?

Docker is a way to package applications, and the associated dependencies into a single unit called an image. This image can then be shared and run as a container, either locally as a developer or remotely on a production server. Santa’s web application and database are running in Docker containers, but only the web application is directly available via an exposed port. A common way to tell if a compromised application is running in a Docker container is to verify the existence of a /.dockerenv file at the root directory of the filesystem.

Ans: /.dockerenv

6. What file often contains useful credentials for web applications?

env file contains the individual user environment variables that override the variables set in the /etc/environment file.

Ans: .env

7. What database table contains useful credentials?

Ans: users

8. What is Santa’s password?

1 remote code execution
 use auxiliary/admin/postgres/postgres_sql
run postgres://postgres:postgres@<MACHINE_IP>/postgres sql='select * from users'

We got the Passwords!!

Ans: p4$$w0rd

9. What ports are open on the host machine?

Ans: 22,80

10. What is the root flag?

Thank you for Reading!!

Happy Hacking ~

Author: Karthikeyan Nagaraj ~ Cyberw1ng


THM , TryHackMe , TryHackMe Advent of Cyber 2022 , TryHackMe Advent of Cyber 4 Day 9, Ethical Hacking , Write up , Walk through , TryHackMe Advent of Cyber 2022 Day 9 Answers

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