Modern Binary
Exploitation Writeups-0x04

Yash Anand
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
4 min readFeb 25, 2019

This is the 4th writeup of Tools and Basic Reverse Engineering by RPISEC, a subpart of Modern Binary Exploitation Course.

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$ ./crackme0x02

Information gathering using the rabin2 tool.

rabin2 -I crackme0x02
man rabin2

Cracking using radare2

radare2 crackme0x02
[0x08048330]> aaa
[0x08048330]> pdf @ main
  • aa:- analyze all.
  • aaa:- analyze all with more info.
  • pdf:- print disassemble function.
main function
[0x08048330]> dr

dr:- prints the data register with values.

data registers

It shows the eax with ‘0’ which is not right it must contain some value. radare2 analysis the binary in the static mode so we have to use radare2 debug mode so that we can set the breakpoint in between the program and find out more.

Cracking using radare2 debug mode

$radare2 -d crackme0x02
man radare2
  • aa:- analyze all.
  • aaa:- analyze all with more info.
  • pdf:- print disassemble function.
debug mode
main function

At address ‘0x0804844e’ there is cmp instruction so lets set the breakpoint there.

break @ cmp
  • db flag:- place a breakpoint at a flag, where the flag can be either an address or a function name.
  • dc :- run the program.

cmp eax, dword [local_ch], Now let’s try to find out the value of $eax register and local_0xc.

Finding the value of eax.

[0x0804844e]> ? eax
eax register

There is one more way to get the value of eax register.

[0x0804844e]> dr eax
[0x0804844e]> ? 0x00000539
  • dr flag:- prints the data register value.
eax register

Finding the value of local_ch.

[0x0804844e]> afvd local_ch
[0x0804844e]> pxr $w @ebp-0xc
[0x0804844e]> ? 0x00052b24
  • afvd:- afvd name output r2 command for displaying the value of args/locals in the debugger.

Another way of finding the value of local_ch.

[0x0804844e]> afvd
[0x0804844e]> ? 0x00052b24
  • afvd:- afvd name output r2 command for displaying the value of args/locals in the debugger.

Cracking using gdb

$gdb crackme0x02
gdb-peda$ disassemble main
gdb main
gdb-peda$ break *0x0804844e
break @ cmp instruction
register | code | stack

cmp eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]

  • eax:- eax register contains 0x539, 0x shows that it’s in hex.
  • DWORD:- It refers to the double word, doubleword is 32 bit or 4 bytes(8 bit =1 byte).
  • PTR:- Abbreviation of Pointer.
  • ebp-0xc:- 0xc(12 in decimal) is subtracted from ebp(Base pointer).

So in this instruction eax is compared to the word(number) which is stored in the address ebp-0xc.

Let’s find out what is stored in eax and ebp-0xc.

From the above image, eax show the value 0x539

p/d 0x539
  • p:- print command (abbreviated p).
  • d:- Print as an integer in signed decimal.

1337 is stored in the $eax, which we give as an input.

gdb-peda$ x/x $ebp-0xc
0xffffd1ec: 0x00052b24
gdb-peda$ p/d 0x00052b24
$9 = 338724

x command is used to eXamine.

  • /x:- prints address $ebp and the contents at that address in hex.

p command is used to Print.

  • /d:-print contents as a decimal.

Converting ‘0x00052b24’ using python

python -c "print 0x00052b24"

Converting ‘0x00052b24’ using rax2

rax2 0x00052b24

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❤️ by inc0gnito

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