Brooklyn Nine Nine TryHackMe Writeup | By Xploit Ayush

Xploit Ayush ☠️
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
4 min readJan 14, 2023


This room is aimed for beginner level hackers but anyone can try to hack this box. There are two main intended ways to root the box.

The challenging room in the beginners path the in Brooklyn Nine Nine in Tryhackme

Let’s start with the Nmap scan

nmap -sV -sC -A -T5

We can see that there are three open ports: 21 (FTP), 22 (SSH), and 80 (HTTP).

Lets start with FTP using ANONYMOUS

that there is a file called note_to_jake.txt on the FTP server. This is definitely one of the things that intrigue us.

get note_to_jake.txt

Also let’s start the GoBuster to see if there are any hidden directories, and PHP or HTML files:

This, unfortunately, does not bring us anything interesting

So what we can do here? try to check, is to visit the website (we should’ve done this from the beginning, right?).

There is only an image on the page. We had not found any hidden directories, so from our perspective, it is the only thing we have BUT. What if we checked the source code?

Aha! There is a comment: <!– Have you ever heard of steganography? –>

to next step to check what inside in note_to_jake.txt

cat note_to_jake.txt

Hmm, that’s interesting. Now we know that Jake has a weak password

so we assumed that jake is username so next step to brute force using “Hydra”

hydra -l jake -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh:// -t4

we got the jake PASSWORD!!!

Try to check what is inside in directory ls but we didn't get anything so we will use

ls -al

there’s nothing in Jake’s & Amy home directory, Holt’s home directory, we see that there is a file called user.txt,

We got the User Flag!!!

To get root flag we need to check what permissions or privileges do we have

This one is a little bit tryckier. First type in the command.

sudo -l

And we can see that Jake can run less command:

less /root/root.txt

Finally we got our ROOT flag !!!

Now we have all our Answers let’s submit it and we have successfully completed our CTF !!

Keep Trying, Keep Working :)

Thank you for Reading!!

Happy Hacking

Follow me more to get more tips and tricks! 🙏

Author: Xploit Ayush

Tryhackme , ctf , root , nmap , elevation , root.txt , cat.txt , machine , writeup , solution , walkthrough , flag , xploit ayush , bug hunter , Brooklyn nine nine ,



Enjoys learning about the cyber security field, especially doing hands-on penetration testing and ethical hacking as a hobby.