Cybersecurity/Ethical hacking: A Beginners Guide to Getting Started

Navneet Anand
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2023


Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and sensitive information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. As technology is increasingly being used in every aspect of our lives, the need for Cybersecurity has become critical for individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide.

This blog aims to provide a basic introduction to the subject of cybersecurity and provide you with resources that might be helpful to you as you get ready for the field.

I will be providing a list of free resources for everyone to learn from. I have also personally contributed to the community and will include them under the section labelled “My Contributions”.

My Contributions

  1. To get started, I recommend checking out this GitHub repository that contains multiple books useful for beginners in understanding prerequisite topics. This is a great option for those who enjoy reading.
  2. Started blogging and will be providing with security and related blogs here on medium, please do follow to stay updated.
  3. Founded InfoSec Coding, a community for security enthusiasts. Do check the Instagram as we post 3 times every week and even conduct Quizzes.

From the Internet

  1. YouTube channels I would recommend you all to subscribe: [they also have their twitter handles, make sure you follow them on twitter as well] (There are many others you will find throughout this journey)

2. Infosec Writeups: Infosec Writeups is a renowned online platform hosted on Medium that showcases technical articles and write-ups pertaining to cybersecurity and information security. The content is predominantly contributed by experts such as cybersecurity professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts who aim to disseminate their expertise and experience within the community.

3. How can I not mention TryHackMe: TryHackMe is an online platform that offers a hands-on and interactive approach to learning and practicing various cybersecurity skills such as penetration testing, web application security, and networking. With its range of virtual labs, challenges, and walkthroughs, users can apply the concepts they learn in a safe and sandboxed environment. Suitable for both beginners and advanced learners, TryHackMe provides a user-friendly interface, an active forum, and a community of like-minded individuals to learn from and share experiences with.

4. PortSwigger Academy: PortSwigger Academy is an online platform offering free and paid courses on web application security. These courses cater to learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced, and cover topics ranging from the fundamentals of web security to advanced exploitation techniques and client-side attacks. With interactive learning resources, self-paced courses, and expert-led instruction, PortSwigger Academy is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their knowledge of web security. And a famous tool you will come across while testing for web applications testing ‘Burp Suite’ is also a product of PortSwigger.

5. No, I did not forget to mention Linux: Linux is an open-source operating system known for its security, stability, and flexibility. It is widely used by IT professionals, developers, and technology enthusiasts.

And your go-to guide has to be Linux Journey: Linux Journey is a comprehensive and interactive online tutorial that provides a step-by-step guide to learning Linux. The platform covers everything from basic commands and the file system to advanced topics such as shell scripting and network management.

6. Roadmap you can follow

Additional tips:

  1. Follow people who are already in the cyber security or your interest domain and stay updated with the latest news of the domain. Recommended platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter (or as you find)
  2. If ever stuck or have queries, dm these people, most wont reply but one of your n messages will be replied.
  3. Cannot stress on this, “Google is your friend”.
  4. You’ll get to learn more than just this by your own when you begin your journey.

I will be updating this blog as per the suggestions or if I come across things that need to be edited here.

I hope you found the information in this blog to be useful, do clap and follow. Happy Learning.

Please feel free to contact me on Twitter if you have any suggestions or recommendations on how to improve my blog or if you have any questions about any related topics. I’ll do my best to assist you.

