Cyborg TryHackMe Writeup | By Xploit Ayush

Xploit Ayush ☠️
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
5 min readJan 19, 2023


A box involving encrypted archives, source code analysis and more.

Objective: The Objective of this machine is to own the user and root flag by exploiting the vulnerabilities and escalating our privileges from user to root.

You can access the lab here:

TASK 2.1: Scan the machine, how many ports are open?

nmap -sV -sC -A -T4

Answer: 2 ports are open 22 and 80

Task 2.2: What service is running on port 22?

Answer: ssh

Task 2.3: What service is running on port 80?

Answer: http

Task 2.4: What is the user.txt flag?

Opening the website by entering the URL.

On checking, we don’t find anything interesting. Looking at the source code nothing fruitful was found.

so what next? let’s brute force using Gobuster

interesting paths are etc and admin.

Lets checkout

Hidden directories found:
/admin -> admin panel
/etc -> access to squid proxy files

Browsing to the etc directory we can find the following hash:

We can crack this hash using john. You can install John using the following GitHub page. After installing john run the following command to crack the hash.

john file.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Nice we found a password! Going back to the admin section

we can download an archive file by clicking one of the links in the header. Download the archive.tar file by running:

Now, let’s check what was in the file which we downloaded i.e., archive.tar

For that, we will extract the files using the tar command.

tar -xvf archive.tar


-x is used for extraction.

-v i for verbose mode.

-f is used for file name

After Checking all the files, I found nothing useful in files except the README file. Thus I opened that file.

Reading the README file using the cat command. CAT gives us the content of the file on the terminal.

cat  home/field/dev/final_archive/README

It displayed the above message. To solve this, we need to download borg backup

Now extract the file from the music_archive repository in the given path file

./borg-linux64 list home/field/dev/final_archive

BorgBackup: Deduplicating backup software is called BorgBackup (abbreviated Borg). Compression and verified encryption are supported as options. Borg’s major objective is to offer a reliable and safe method of data backup.

./borg-linux64 list home/field/dev/final_archive/::music_archive

After running the command enter the password which we got from John

Here we got our music_archive repository

Looking for alex user

Move to the alex directory and look for the password

And we found our password.

we find a note with the Alex credentials for SSH.

Lets Login using SSH username & Password

ssh alex@


We got the SHELL!

To get root flag we need to check what permissions or privileges do we have

This one is a little bit tryckier. First type in the command.

sudo -l

Alex can run sudo on the backup script file. We can’t write into the file, but let’s examine the code:

chmod 777 /etc/mp3backups/

Remember that we could sudo /etc/mp3backups/ without a password.

So when we run /bin/bash -p we will get a new shell as root.

Now move to the root directory then open the root.txt file and here we got our root flag.

cd /root

Finally we got our ROOT flag !!!

Now we have all our Answers let’s submit it and we have successfully completed our CTF !!

Keep Trying, Keep Working :)

Thank you for Reading!!

Happy Hacking

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About the Author :

Tryhackme , ctf , root , nmap , elevation , root.txt , cat.txt , machine , writeup , solution , walkthrough , flag , xploit ayush , Cyborg



Enjoys learning about the cyber security field, especially doing hands-on penetration testing and ethical hacking as a hobby.