DriftingBlues: 2 Vulnhub Write-up | Walkthrough

Hardik Jain
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
7 min readSep 5, 2023


Hi, I am Hardik Jain, a cyber security researcher, and a student.

Welcome to another write-up

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In this write-up, I am gonna give you a walkthrough of DriftingBlues: 2 machines from Vulnhub.

The download link is added below

Most of the initial setup and recon steps are the same in any machine, so I would suggest you read DriftingBlues: 1 Write-up for a smooth understanding of the setup and initial recon.

Now start both the machines: DriftingBlues 2 and Kali Linux.

The IP address of Kali Machine

Using Netdiscover to find the IP address of the Drifting Blue Machine.

sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r
sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r

Visiting the IP address to check what’s there.

Checking the source code of this web page

Using NMAP

nmap -sV -sC -p-
Nmap Output

We saw the FTP port open with an anonymous login in the NMAP output. We tried to connect with FTP using an Anonymous login.

Anonymous login to FTP

Checking the files present in the FTP server using the “dir” command. We see a secret.jpg file present. Let me download that image into our system using the “get” command.

This is the image that we got from that FTP server

Using Gobuster for directory enumeration

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x html,php,txt
GoBuster Output

Here we see that there is a /blog with 301 status so we visit and search for further hints.

While looking at the website we came to know that it is a WordPress website so we performed Wpscan.

wpscan - url
Output of wpscan
Output of wpscan

The blog is not structured properly, when we hover over some links we can see that the domain is driftingblues.box so let us add it in the /etc/hosts file.

/etc/hosts file

Now reload the blog

Now bruteforceing the /blog using gobuster. We see the /wp-login.php page.

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x html,php,txt
Bruteforce output of wpscan

Let’s visit the login page.

We see a username and password login field. Let me brute force it using wpscan. wpscan has brute forcing modules that help in brute forcing WordPress websites.

wpscan - url http://driftingblues.box/blog - detection-mode aggressive -e - passwords=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Bruteforcing credentials using wpscan

I found the username and password by brute force which took wpscan around an hour.

Username : albert
Password: scotland1

Log into the WordPress admin page using these IDs and Password.

We are in the admin panel of the website.

Now go to Appearances -> Theme File Editor -> 404 Template.

Now, using this method

and the PHP reverse shell script by Pentestmonkey.

We try to gain access to this website.

Using netcat to listen to the port
nc -vlp 4444

After gaining a successful reverse shell I tried to enumerate and explore the system further and as you can see in the image below I found a user.txt file but the permissions to access that was denied.

But I found a .ssh file in the directory, which contained an “id_rsa” file that had the RSA private key.

I copied that key into my Kali Machine and created a file named “id_rsa” in my machine.

id_rsa in Kali Machine (Attacker Machine)

Now, try to connect to SSH using that private SSH key by the command:

ssh freddie@ -i id_rsa

BOOM!! I’m in the system as freddie and now I can see the user.txt flag.

User Flag

The next step is to gain root access to the system.

Let us see what the user freddie can do on this system by using “sudo -l” command.

sudo -l

We can see that user freddie can run the Nmap command on the machine. Now we need to find a way to escalate privileges using nmap.

Using GTFOBins Nmap binaries, I will try to escalate the privileges. GTFOBins binaries can be found here.

echo 'os.execute("/bin/sh")' > $TF
nmap - script=$TF

It won’t be visible what you type here. I checked with the whoami command and I was root.

I typed reset and then pressed enter so that I could see what I was typing.

Now enumerating a little I found the root.txt flag and we pwned the machine.

Root Flag

This is not the only way Drifting Blues: 2 can be solved. There are other methods and tools that can be used.

Hope you got to learn something new from this write-up and enjoyed reading it. Thank you ❤

For any queries DM me on Twitter at HardikJain121 or LinkedIn at Hardik Jain

See y’all next time.

Till then you can read my other writeups on DriftingBlues: 1 Vulnhub Write-up | Walkthrough, Memory Dump Analysis by using Volatility Framework and Some common Steganography tools for CTFs



Just another Cybersec guy with a strong Meme Game. Working as Information Security Engineer in the field of Threat Intel and SOC.