Grafana Admin Panel bypass in Google Acquisition(VirusTotal)
I started with usual subdomain recon of a google acquisition(VirusTotal).This time I used a online subdomain finder service for finding subdomains quickly.
Then I found a subdomain ,The word internal in the subdomain made me visit that page due to my curiousity.
But unfortunately ,It’s only for authorized users. I searched for grafana endpoints visited /signup and tried to signup for new account,It showed sign up disabled.
Then I thought if oath sign in was allowed ,I could try logging in using Google, Github or any other service. But everything was disabled for new user sign up.
I understood only way for logging in, is by using existing username and password. As it was a Google acquisition ,I didn’t wanted to try bruteforce attack on username and password(Admin might have very strong username and password).
Ok ,So everything in vain I wanted to explore more endpoints so visited the docs for grafana. I came across which mentioned about endpoints to add,edit users and also change their passwords. But few of the mentioned functionality was available only to the admin.
I also noticed that in the docs page ,Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
was sent as Basic Auth header in most of the sensitive request. The above header was base64 encoded,So tried to decode it and was surprised by the result:
So,The basic auth username and password was just admin:admin.
So I made a quick poc, I installed Modify Header Value extension in firefox( and configured it to send the basic authorization header in all requests for
surprisingly, I was logged in as admin with full rights. I also created a new user for myself and granted admin rights to it, created a admin api key and also sent a poc with just simple curl request using the api key generated to demonstrate I have full access to the application.
curl -H “Authorization: Bearer API_KEY”

Moreover I also came across a page, which was leaking telegram api key through admin panel.The telegram api key was used as a hook to send notifications to a internal telegram group of virustotal.
Again I generated a quick poc using a simple curl request ,through which I can use the bot to send message to anyone in telegram.
So,I have admin access and control over the grafana panel as well as control over the telegram bot.
I made a detailed poc mentioning all the steps to reproduce the bug as well as the impact and submitted to GoogleVRP. The bug was accepted and rewarded $xxx as it was an acquisition of google.
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