How Fuzzing helps me to get my first bounty?

Hello Everyone,
I’m Praveen Mali (PMMALI). This is my first writeup and in this writeup I will tell you how fuzzing leads me to my first bounty.
So I was testing the target let say and lots of domains and sub-domains are in scope. On one of the subdomain I saw a default SMS Service page that they were using.

Then suddenly my mind triggers me to fuzz for the endpoints.
I fuzz the subdomain with FFuF.
Command was: ffuf -w fuzz-Bo0oM.txt -u -mc 200 -ac -recursion
I got one of the endpoint’s status code 200 and the endpoint was .gitignore.
I open the url in browser with the endpoint and one file was downloaded.
There were lots of path of more sensitive directories.

I immediately reported the bug and got $100 bounty (My first bounty).

Thank you so much for reading 🙏
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