How North Korean Hackers Are Robbing Millions from Banks in 2024

North Korean Hackers are Stealing Millions by Hacking Banks & Money Laundering



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In the realm of cybercrime, few adversaries are as notorious and enigmatic as North Korean hackers. Over the past decade, these state-sponsored cyber operatives have been implicated in a string of high-profile attacks targeting financial institutions worldwide. Operating with impunity from behind the veil of one of the world’s most secretive regimes, North Korean hackers have mastered the art of sophisticated cyber heists, siphoning off millions of dollars from banks and financial institutions.

In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of these cyber attacks, uncovering the tactics, techniques, and motivations driving North Korea’s brazen cybercrime spree. In recent years, the regime has turned to cybercrime as a lucrative source of income, leveraging its highly skilled hacker corps to carry out financially motivated attacks on a global scale.

The Tactics Used!

North Korean hackers employ a range of sophisticated tactics to infiltrate and compromise financial institutions. They often operate under the direction of the regime’s Reconnaissance General Bureau and other state agencies, employ a range of sophisticated tactics to carry out cyber heists targeting banks and financial institutions. These tactics are designed to infiltrate systems, steal sensitive data, and siphon off millions of dollars with minimal detection.

Here are some of the key tactics used by North Korean hackers in their bank robbery campaigns —

1. Spear Phishing

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Spear phishing is a prevalent tactic used by North Korean hackers to gain initial access to target networks. These attackers craft highly personalized and convincing emails that appear to come from trusted sources, such as bank executives or reputable organizations. These emails often contain malicious attachments or links that, when clicked, install malware onto the victim’s system. Once installed, the malware can provide the attackers with a foothold within the network, allowing them to escalate privileges and move laterally to access sensitive financial data.

2. Malware Deployment

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North Korean hackers leverage various types of malware to carry out their bank heists, including remote access trojans (RATs), banking trojans, and ransomware. RATs enable the attackers to gain full control over compromised systems, allowing them to steal data, execute commands, and move stealthily within the network. Banking trojans are designed to intercept and manipulate banking transactions, enabling the hackers to redirect funds to accounts under their control. Ransomware is used to encrypt critical files and demand ransom payments from the victim in exchange for decryption keys.

3. Network Reconnaissance

Before launching an attack, North Korean hackers conduct extensive reconnaissance to gather information about their target networks. This includes scanning for vulnerabilities, identifying potential entry points, and mapping out the network architecture. By thoroughly understanding the target environment, the hackers can tailor their attacks for maximum effectiveness and minimize the risk of detection.

4. Social Engineering

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In addition to technical tactics, North Korean hackers also employ social engineering techniques to manipulate employees and gain access to sensitive information. This may involve impersonating trusted individuals, such as IT personnel or company executives, to deceive employees into providing login credentials or other sensitive data. Social engineering attacks can be highly effective, exploiting human vulnerabilities to bypass technical security measures.

5. Money Laundering

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Once funds have been stolen from banks, North Korean hackers employ sophisticated money laundering techniques to obfuscate the illicit origins of the stolen funds and transfer them back to North Korea. This often involves using cryptocurrency exchanges, shell companies, and front organizations to launder the money and disguise its trail.

6. Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) Tactics

Picture Credits- Videezy

North Korean hackers are known for their use of advanced persistent threat (APT) tactics, which involve stealthy, long-term infiltration of target networks. By maintaining persistent access and evading detection, these attackers can continue to exfiltrate data and carry out fraudulent transactions over an extended period without being detected.

In conclusion, North Korean hackers employ a combination of technical expertise, social engineering, and sophisticated tactics to carry out cyber heists targeting banks and financial institutions. By understanding their tactics and adopting robust cybersecurity measures, organizations can better defend against these malicious actors and protect their assets from theft.

The Motivations & Impact

Photo by Micha Brändli on Unsplash

At the heart of North Korea’s cybercrime operations lies a simple yet powerful motivation: money. With crippling international sanctions squeezing the regime’s finances and limited access to traditional sources of revenue, the regime has increasingly turned to cybercrime as a means of filling its coffers. The proceeds from these illicit activities are believed to fund the regime’s nuclear weapons program, prop up its authoritarian regime, and sustain the lavish lifestyle of its ruling elite.

The impact of North Korean cyber heists extends far beyond the immediate financial losses incurred by targeted institutions. These attacks undermine trust in the global financial system, erode confidence in digital banking services, and pose a significant threat to national security. Moreover, the proceeds from these attacks are funneled back into North Korea’s illicit activities, perpetuating a vicious cycle of cybercrime and proliferation.


Photo by BeeBright on ShutterStock

The rise of North Korean cybercrime represents a clear and present danger to the global financial system. With the regime’s hacker corps becoming increasingly sophisticated and audacious in their attacks, it is imperative that governments, financial institutions, and cybersecurity professionals remain vigilant and proactive in countering this threat. By working together and sharing intelligence, we can mitigate the risk posed by North Korean hackers and safeguard the integrity of the global financial ecosystem.

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I am a Penetration Tester, Currently pursuing OSCP. Skilled in Network Pen-testing and Developing Security Tools using Python. YouTube-ZeusCybersec