How to register and publish a CVE for your awesome vulnerability

Common vulnerabilities and exposures allow the security community to see issues associated with the current product version and see if they need to upgrade as well as provide context like with “CVE-2020–25268” which is a RCE vulnerability on Ilias Learning Management System. If you would search for that you would see a link here “–25268” that leads to a bunch of useful information regarding CVSS score, advisories, POC’s, descriptions etc.

I hope we can all agree that CVE’s are cool to have, however not all CVE’s are created equal. As well as the CVSS score describing the severity of CVE can sometimes be rather useless, since multiple low scored vulnerabilities might be chained together creating a critical 10/10 and there’s no way to showcase that in the current model.
How do you actually register one?
You just go to and register your CVE and that’s it or is it?

Well, not really. First of all there’s a bunch of stuff you need to fill out.

To help you with this here’s a really great material on that.
Essentially it gives you templates for everything that you need in writing the CVE.
After you are done with the web form, you will receive a confirmation that the CVE is registered and you will get your number like CVE-YEAR-NUMBER (CVE-2020–25268). The issue itself won’t be published until you send them a publication for the vulnerability, so until that you can communicate with the vendor to get the issue addressed. The publication can be done by the vendor if the response is present within a timeframe you have chosen and if not, you can do a publication on your own.
I would strongly advise against publishing on your own without first trying multiple times establishing a contact with the vendor and making sure that vendor actually understands the vulnerability. This is critical, the CVE’s are meant to help improve security not diminish it.
Best of luck registering and publishing your CVE’s!