HTB SneakyMailer [writeup]

Mass Email Phishing | PyPi Package files Abuse | pip3

InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
6 min readNov 29, 2020



This machine has taught me some interesting attack path but especially how to setup a phishing email to extract the user credentials. The machine has an open FTP, so I uploaded the shell script and executed via the FTP sub-domain browser.

After retrieving the low privileged shell, I used the user credentials found through phishing email and using it to escalate to a developer’s account.

During the lateral movement, I found the pypi server was running on this machine and its credentials was exposed too. Configure this server to achieve escalate to another user. Using a guide found on the internet, I managed to get the shell.

Root escalation was pretty simple if basic enumeration is performed to exploit that vulnerability.

Tools Used:

  • nmap -sCVS -p- > nmap.txt
  • gobuster
  • wfuzz
  • Evolution - IMAP Client

Web Server: nginx/1.14.2

Server side Language: PHP

Scripting Language: Python

Nmap TCP Scan Output

************ PORT 80 HTTP ****************************************

Inputting the IP address, it tries to redirect to sneakycorp.htb.

etc/hosts file maps hostname to IP address. Include it as shown below. Wait for few seconds for it to take effect before executing the sneakycorp.htb in the URL.

Upon, successfully running the site, I noticed the staff mail domain is sneakymailer.htb. This was then added to /etc/hosts file.

