Improve Your Security Skills with OWASP Juice Shop!

An intentionally insecure web application that provides a controlled environment to practice, learn, and test web application security

InfoSec Write-ups


Have you ever wished you could hone your cybersecurity chops in a playground built specifically for this purpose? Let’s dive deep into OWASP Juice Shop — a delightful arena for both budding and experienced web security enthusiasts to test and improve their skills.

What is OWASP Juice Shop?

OWASP, or the Open Web Application Security Project, is a global non-profit organization that focuses on improving the security of software.

They have numerous projects, guidelines, and tools designed to help organizations and individuals bolster their software security.

One of these projects is the Juice Shop — an intentionally insecure web application that provides a controlled environment to practice, learn, and test web application security.

Picture it as your personal sandbox or digital dojo where you can safely unleash all your pent-up hacking energy.

OWASP Juice Shop

Why use OWASP Juice Shop?

  1. Legal: Unlike hacking into random websites (which is illegal and unethical), using Juice Shop ensures that you’re operating within the bounds of the law.
  2. Comprehensive: It covers a broad spectrum of the OWASP Top Ten security risks, making it a holistic tool for learning.
  3. Safe: There’s no risk of damaging real-world systems or data.
  4. Open-Source: It’s freely available, and you can even contribute or modify it to suit your needs.

Setting up OWASP Juice Shop

Before we proceed, remember to never deploy Juice Shop in a live or sensitive environment. This application is intentionally insecure!

Using Docker (recommended)

If you have Docker installed, setting up Juice Shop is as simple as running:

docker pull bkimminich/juice-shop
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 bkimminich/juice-shop

Once running, you can access the Juice Shop at http://localhost:3000.

Other Methods

You can also set up Juice Shop using Vagrant, or even platforms like Heroku.

Detailed instructions for these can be found in the official Juice Shop setup documentation.

How to Test Vulnerabilities with Juice Shop

  1. Exploration: Begin by exploring the application like a regular user. Understanding its functionality will help you identify potential weak points.
  2. Start with the Basics: Juice Shop has challenges that align with the OWASP Top Ten. For instance, if you’re focusing on “Injection”, try entering special characters or SQL commands into input fields and observe the results.
  3. Use Dev Tools: Your browser’s developer tools can be a gateway to uncovering vulnerabilities. Monitor network requests, check for exposed data, or use it to tamper with requests and responses.
  4. Feedback & Scoreboard: Juice Shop has an in-built scoreboard that ranks the challenges by difficulty. It provides hints and solutions, which can guide your learning journey. You can access it by appending /#/score-board to the Juice Shop URL.
  5. Automated Scanning: While manual testing is valuable, don’t forget tools like OWASP ZAP or Burp Suite to scan Juice Shop for vulnerabilities.
  6. Document: Whether you’re doing this for practice or as a part of a structured pen-test, documenting your findings, methods, and results is essential.

Remember, while Juice Shop is designed for vulnerability testing, not all vulnerabilities are glaringly obvious. Some require a keen eye, creativity, and persistence to uncover.

Safety First

Even though Juice Shop is a safe and legal environment, always ensure:

  • Isolation: Only run Juice Shop in isolated environments away from sensitive data or systems.
  • Awareness: Make sure everyone in the network or environment is aware that you’re testing with an insecure application.
  • Ethical Considerations: Just because you have the skills doesn’t mean they should be misused. Always act ethically and responsibly.


OWASP Juice Shop offers a fantastic avenue for those eager to elevate their web security game. It provides hands-on experience in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities, all in a controlled, legal, and safe environment.

As with any skill, practice makes perfect.

So, dive into Juice Shop, experiment, learn from mistakes, and watch your cybersecurity proficiency soar!

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[Disclosure: Every article I pen is a fusion of my ideas and the supportive capabilities of artificial intelligence. While AI assists in refining and elaborating, the core thoughts and concepts stem from my perspective and knowledge. To know more about my creative process, read this article.]



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