Mastering XSS: A Comprehensive Guide for Bug Bounty Hunters

Security Lit Limited
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
10 min readMar 23, 2023


Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is a type of security vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious code, usually in the form of scripts, into web applications. This can lead to a wide range of harmful consequences, such as stealing sensitive data, defacing websites, or spreading malware. For bug bounty hunters, understanding XSS is crucial, as it is a common vulnerability and can be quite lucrative when discovered and reported responsibly.

XSS vulnerabilities come in three main variants: Stored, Reflected, and DOM-based.

1. Stored XSS

This occurs when the malicious script is stored on the target server, often in a database. When a user visits a page containing the stored script, it gets executed in their browser. For example, an attacker could submit a malicious script as a comment on a blog post, and when other users read the post, the script would execute.

2. Reflected XSS

This happens when a user clicks on a malicious link or submits a form containing the script, which is then immediately reflected back and executed in the user’s browser. For instance, an attacker might send a victim a link with the malicious script as a URL parameter, and when the victim clicks on the link, the script runs.

3. DOM-based XSS

This type of XSS occurs entirely in the browser when the Document Object Model (DOM) is manipulated by a malicious script. For example, an attacker could exploit a vulnerable JavaScript function that improperly handles user input.

XSS vulnerabilities can arise in various contexts, such as

  1. HTML attributes: When user input is improperly sanitized and used as an attribute value in HTML tags, an attacker can inject malicious scripts that execute when the attribute is triggered, like an “onclick” or “onmouseover” event.
  2. JavaScript: When user input is directly inserted into JavaScript code, it can lead to XSS vulnerabilities. For example, an attacker could exploit a vulnerable script that uses user input as part of a “document.write()” function.
  3. URL parameters: If user input is not properly sanitized before being used in URL parameters, attackers can inject malicious scripts that execute when the URL is loaded.

Creating basic XSS payloads

To craft a basic XSS payload, you need to understand that the goal is to inject a piece of malicious code, typically JavaScript, into a vulnerable web application. This code is executed in the user’s browser, allowing the attacker to manipulate the user’s session or extract sensitive information. A simple example of an XSS payload is:


When this payload is injected into a vulnerable application, it triggers a pop-up alert box displaying the message “XSS.” However, in real-world scenarios, attackers would use more sophisticated payloads to achieve their objectives.

Importance of context-aware payloads: Web applications have different contexts in which user input is processed and displayed. Understanding the context is crucial when crafting XSS payloads because it determines how the injected code will be executed. For example, if the payload is placed within an HTML attribute, you might need to break out of the attribute using a double quote (“) and then use an event handler like “onmouseover” to execute your payload:

“ onmouseover=”alert(‘XSS’)

Using context-aware payloads increases the chances of successfully exploiting an XSS vulnerability.

Common evasion techniques

Web applications often employ security measures to prevent XSS attacks, such as filtering or encoding certain characters. To bypass these defenses, attackers use evasion techniques:

  1. Alternative encodings: Some applications filter or encode special characters like <, >, and “. To evade this, you can use different character encodings such as HTML entities or Unicode. For example, instead of <, use &#60; or &lt;. This may cause the application to interpret the characters as harmless text, while the browser still renders it as executable code.
  2. Leveraging polyglots: A polyglot is a payload that is valid and executable in multiple contexts. Crafting a polyglot payload can help bypass security measures designed to prevent XSS in specific contexts. For example, consider the following payload:
javascript:/* →</title></style></textarea></script></xmp>

This payload is valid in multiple contexts, such as HTML, JavaScript, and SVG, increasing the chances of a successful XSS attack.

By understanding how to craft context-aware XSS payloads and employing evasion techniques, you can increase your chances of finding and exploiting XSS vulnerabilities in web applications. Remember to always conduct your testing ethically and with proper authorization.

XSS Detection Tools and Techniques:

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities are common web application security issues. To effectively detect and protect against XSS, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the tools and techniques available. In this section, we’ll introduce some useful tools and techniques for identifying XSS vulnerabilities, including browser extensions, web proxies, and automated scanners, all in plain English.

1. Browser Extensions

Browser extensions are small software modules that add specific functionalities to your web browser. There are several browser extensions designed to help you identify potential XSS vulnerabilities:

2. XSS Radar

This extension is available for Google Chrome and helps you detect XSS vulnerabilities by scanning web pages for potential security risks. With a simple click, XSS Radar will test the webpage and highlight any potential issues.

3. NoScript:

NoScript is a Firefox extension that blocks JavaScript, Java, and other plugins from running by default, only allowing trusted websites to execute code. By doing so, it helps protect against XSS attacks and provides you with a more secure browsing experience.

4. Web Proxies:

Web proxies are tools that act as intermediaries between your web browser and the internet. They can monitor, modify, and intercept HTTP requests and responses, allowing you to analyze web application behavior and identify potential security issues:

5. OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP):

ZAP is an open-source web application security scanner developed by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). It can intercept and modify web traffic, helping you identify vulnerabilities like XSS. ZAP also offers automated scanning features to detect common security issues.

6. Burp Suite:

Burp Suite is a popular web application security testing tool with a user-friendly interface. It allows you to intercept, analyze, and modify HTTP requests and responses, making it easier to identify and test for XSS vulnerabilities manually.

7. Automated Scanners:

Automated scanners are tools that automatically test web applications for security vulnerabilities. They can save time by quickly identifying potential issues that may require further investigation:

8. Acunetix:

Acunetix is a powerful web vulnerability scanner that automatically tests web applications for XSS and other common security issues. It provides detailed reports and offers useful suggestions for fixing identified vulnerabilities.

9. Netsparker:

Netsparker is another web application security scanner that can automatically detect XSS vulnerabilities. It offers an easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise.

Remember, no tool is perfect, and relying solely on automated scanners may result in false positives or negatives. It’s essential to use a combination of tools and manual testing techniques to ensure the most accurate detection of XSS vulnerabilities.

There are various tools and techniques available for detecting XSS vulnerabilities, such as browser extensions, web proxies, and automated scanners. By familiarizing yourself with these options, you’ll be better equipped to identify and protect against XSS threats effectively.

Manually Testing for XSS Vulnerabilities Using a Systematic Approach:

  1. Identify potential targets: Start by exploring the web application to identify all user input fields, including search bars, forms, and comment sections. Keep an eye out for URL parameters, as they can also be potential targets.
  2. Test basic payloads: Input basic XSS payloads, like <script>alert(‘XSS’)</script>, into each identified input field. If an alert box pops up with the message ‘XSS’, it indicates a potential vulnerability. Make sure to test this on different browsers as some may have built-in XSS protections.
  3. Understand the context: Based on where the payload is reflected, you may need to adapt your payloads. For example, if the payload is inside an HTML attribute, try using “ onmouseover=”alert(‘XSS’) or other event handlers.
  4. Bypass filters and encodings: Some applications may filter or encode characters like <, >, and “. Experiment with different encodings (e.g., &#60; for <) or alternative characters (e.g., using backticks instead of quotes) to bypass these filters.
  5. Test for all XSS types: Remember to test for Stored, Reflected, and DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities, as each type might require a different approach or payload.

Advanced XSS Exploitation Techniques:

  1. Bypassing XSS filters: Some web applications implement filters to block known XSS payloads. To bypass these filters, you may need to use less common payloads, encode characters differently, or split the payload into parts. For example, instead of using <script>, you can try <scr<script>ipt>.
  2. Exploiting blind XSS: Blind XSS occurs when the payload is executed in a different context, often out of the tester’s view (e.g., in an admin panel). To identify blind XSS, use payloads that send a request to an external server under your control with details about the execution, such as cookies or the current URL.
  3. Leveraging XSS for CSRF attacks: In some cases, XSS vulnerabilities can be combined with Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks to execute unauthorized actions on behalf of users. To do this, craft an XSS payload that forces the user’s browser to send a request with their authentication tokens to perform the desired action.

Remember, when testing for XSS vulnerabilities or performing advanced exploitation techniques, it is crucial to have permission from the website owner and always respect the rules of engagement. Ethical hacking helps improve security, but it should be done responsibly.

Chaining Multiple Vulnerabilities for Greater Impact:

In some cases, a single vulnerability might not have a significant impact on its own. However, when combined with other vulnerabilities, the overall effect can be much more severe. This process is known as “vulnerability chaining” or “exploit chaining.” Here’s how to chain multiple vulnerabilities together:

  1. Identify related vulnerabilities: Look for other weaknesses in the application that might be related to the initial vulnerability. For example, if you’ve found an XSS vulnerability, look for related issues like weak access controls or CSRF vulnerabilities.
  2. Determine the logical sequence: Plan a logical sequence of exploiting the vulnerabilities to achieve the desired outcome. This may involve escalating privileges, bypassing security measures, or gaining access to sensitive data.
  3. Test the chained exploit: Ensure that each step in the chain is functional and that the entire sequence works as intended. This might require iterative testing and refining your approach.
  4. Assess the impact: Evaluate the overall impact of the chained vulnerabilities, considering factors such as data exposure, unauthorized access, and potential damage to the system or its users.

Reporting XSS Vulnerabilities:

When reporting an XSS vulnerability, it’s essential to provide clear and actionable information to help the development team understand and fix the issue. Here are some guidelines for effectively documenting and reporting XSS findings:

  1. Write a clear and concise summary: Begin your report with a brief summary of the vulnerability, including its type (e.g., stored, reflected, or DOM-based XSS) and the affected component or feature.
  2. Detail the steps to reproduce: Provide a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the vulnerability. Include the specific input fields, payloads, and any prerequisites or assumptions. Make sure your instructions are clear and easy to follow.
  3. Include screenshots or screen recordings: Visual evidence, such as screenshots or screen recordings, can help illustrate the vulnerability’s impact and provide additional context for the development team. Ensure your visuals are clear, focused, and directly related to the issue.
  4. Explain the potential impact: Describe the potential consequences of the vulnerability, including possible risks to user data, system integrity, or business reputation. If you’ve chained the XSS vulnerability with other issues, outline the combined impact and provide details on the chained exploit.
  5. Offer mitigation recommendations: Suggest possible remediation steps to address the vulnerability. This might include input validation, output encoding, or implementing security headers like Content Security Policy (CSP).
  6. Create a Proof of Concept (PoC): If possible, create a standalone PoC that demonstrates the vulnerability in action. This can help the development team quickly grasp the issue’s severity and validate the effectiveness of their fixes.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your bug bounty submission is clear, actionable, and demonstrates the value of your findings to the development team.

Creating a Proof of Concept (PoC) to Demonstrate the Vulnerability and Its Potential Impact:

A proof of concept (PoC) is a practical demonstration that shows how a vulnerability can be exploited and its potential consequences. To create a PoC for an XSS vulnerability, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the vulnerable input field and the specific payload that triggered the XSS vulnerability.
  2. Document the steps to reproduce the issue, including the URL, input field, and payload used.
  3. Capture screenshots or create a video demonstrating the successful execution of the payload, highlighting the impact it can have on the application or its users.
  4. Explain the potential risks associated with the vulnerability, such as unauthorized access to user data or the ability to perform actions on behalf of users.

Staying Updated and Ethical:

In the constantly evolving landscape of web security, it is crucial for bug bounty hunters to stay informed about the latest trends, vulnerabilities, and techniques related to XSS. Subscribe to security blogs, follow experts on social media, and participate in forums or conferences to expand your knowledge and stay current.

Ethics play a significant role in bug bounty hunting. Always respect the rules of engagement and never test for vulnerabilities on websites without proper authorization. Remember that your actions can have real-world consequences, so act responsibly and professionally.


In this blog, we’ve explored various aspects of XSS, from understanding its different types to crafting payloads and reporting vulnerabilities effectively. As a bug bounty hunter, it’s essential to continuously hone your skills and engage with the community while maintaining a strong ethical foundation.

To further your learning, consider enrolling in web security courses, participating in Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions, and engaging with other bug bounty hunters. Share your experiences, insights, and tips within the community, and always strive to improve your skills while respecting the rules of engagement. Together, we can create a more secure digital landscape.

