Multiple HTTP Redirects to Bypass SSRF Protections
Hello hackers,
I needed to utilize many known SSRF techniques at once to successfully exploit many endpoints in the same company. After discovering away, I applied it to all functionalities that use attacker-controlled URLs and found 2 blind and 1 full read SSRFs. This was a bug bounty program so the blind SSRFs closed as dups and another one was accepted.

About the Target
This company provides marketing services to other businesses. Their application lets you create and manage marketing campaigns. There were many functionalities to test but the application itself was slow and I don’t like testing bloated apps. So, after learning to do some basic stuff in the app I decided to not spend much time and pass the program after finding some vulns.
The application had a lot to do with URLs. So, it captured my attention and I decided to look mainly for SSRFs.
The report itself isn’t disclosed. Hence, I’ll refer it as “” and I won’t share any image from the application itself and alter the URL structure.
Exploitation Process
- The API needs the user to be authenticated to the app and uses cookies to do so.
2. We have an API call such as
3. url
parameter is our injection point. The first thing I tried was to make a request to my interactsh handler to get HTTP headers and IP address of the request. The request below was made.

4. The request came from an AWS EC2 IP address and there weren’t any open ports. There is also no useful HTTP headers leaking.
5. The application makes any outgoing request. So, my goal is the hit internal hosts. This was a blind request because it didn’t leak me the response it got. However, this functionality returns the full URL as JSON if the the request to attacker controlled URL is successfully made.
6. Both domain and direct IP was allowed. I’ve run netcat HTTP server on my Linux VPS and tried to make a request to that and it worked. However when I tried to make a request to “”, it didn’t work. Then, I tried “localhost” but that also didn’t work.
7. I’ve tried to abuse the URL parser by fuzzing 00 to FF in “$FUZZ”, “$FUZZhttp://” and “http://local$FUZZhost” but nothing came out from that. Then, I tried this beautiful script that generates many payloads. Again, nothing worked. I have a tendency to FUZZ all UTF-8 everywhere. I’ve discovered many odd behaviors in web applications by that way.
8. I’ve payloads like “127.0000000.000000.000001” and “127.1”. Didn’t work
9. I tried to use a subdomain that returns “” in DNS A record queries. Didn’t work.
10. There are two github repos I always use when trying to bypass SSRF protections.
11. I wanted to see if the API follows HTTP redirects. So, I’ve done what I always did before and used a site that automatically makes 302 redirects to the IP address set in the URL. It looked like this:
12. I’ve used this payload to get a request, but it didn’t work. Turns out the application basically searched for keywords like “localhost” and “” and if that exists in the URL provided by the user, it is blocked.
13. So, I’ve tried to run a simple Netcat HTTP server on my VPS that makes 302 redirects to any request sent to it. The command looks like this:
echo -e "HTTP/1.1 302 Found\nContent-Type: application/json\nLocation:\n" | sudo nc -l -s -p 8080 -q 1
(I don’t use that IP address now. Please don’t abuse the current user)
14. I’ve made the API request below.
15. It didn’t work.
16. At this point, I was desperate. The application basically grepped keywords like “localhost,” and followed HTTP redirects. So, after trying some other payloads with pleorqy, I’ve run two of those netcat servers in different ports and redirected the first one to the other to the localhost. It looked like this:
Vulnerable server ---> my server on port 8080 ---> my server on port 8081 ---> localhost
17. This time it worked.
If I were to use services like
, I’d never discovered this vulnerability because the application didn’t accept anything that has “” in it.
The application checked the value of Location
the header in the first HTTP 302 redirect. However, It didn’t check the second one. That leads to SSRF.
I’ve used these methods in different API endpoints and discovered 3 of these bugs in total. One of them was a full SSRF that let me discover internal assets.