My First year in Bug Bounty 👨💻
Hello all, In this write-up I summarizes my year in bugbounty on all big platform, self hosted and all the numbers, bugs submitted, achievements and little guidance in this writeup. I am writing this writeup because I want to track myself where I am?. So let’s get started.
If you read my write-up:
In this write-up I told you my journey like when I started learning cybersecurity, when I jump into bugbounty and how I achieve my first valid bug and what methodology I used to find my first valid bug. You can read and follow the steps.
Now let’s come to the point.
- When I Started?
I perfectly started my bug bounty journey on Feb 2024. In this time I learn a vulnerability and then try to hunt on the real world targets and so on and I develop a methodology and it worked for me and I got my first valid bug and then the motivation boost and I move forward and forward.
2. All big Platforms stats
In this section, I will show you the stats of the platform which I used this year and my performance, points and all things. So let’s start with
1. Hackerone: Till now I have submitted 10 bugs to this platform and sadly non of them was triaged 😥

In which,
7 bugs were Duplicate
3 bugs were Informative
I know not that much impressive profile on Hackerone even I have -5 signal on Hackerone For what No idea 😶

And this was the graph of the year

2. Bugcrowd: Till now, I have submitted total 13 bugs to this platform and this platform has some better stats in comparision with Hackerone.

And as you can see from above photo,
8 bugs were Rejected,
2 bugs were Duplicate,
3 are Accepted in which 2 were P5 and 1 was P4
And as an achievement in this platform I have total 3 HOF for finding a valid bug 🥳.
Note: all are vdp and I tried one BBP in which I submitted a bug which was marked as Out of scope and as per the guidelines I got -1 point from that program sadly 😥.

And this are the stats in this platform:

3. Intigrity: Till now, I have submitted total 6 bugs to this platform.

in which,
3 bugs were closed as Out of scope,
3 bugs were closed as Duplicate
but I gain points for Duplicate bugs also so as a result I am currently holding 12 points because all duplicate bugs are Medium severity level so I got 4 points each 🥳 and as a result I also got HOF 🤩

4. Comolho: Who don’t know about this platform this is a indian company which is a platform for bug hunters this is also nice platform. I have totally submitted 6 bugs to this platform and for that I have 660 reward points also for solving CTFs and currently I am in Top 5% in this platform as this is new one so less reports are submitted.

In which,
1 bug was rejected,
1 was rewarded as HOF,
4 was still in triaged state 🤞

In this platform I submitted bugs in different severity levels like
P1: 1
P2: 1
P3: 4

5. Other platforms:
I have also accounts on other platforms like Yeswehack, Immunify, hackenproof but I never ever hunt on this platform but I will be also hunting on this platform in future 😏
I also submitted bugs to bugbountys, openbugbounty Not that much bugs but I have submitted 1 bug in both the platform but till now No response from them 🥺.
3. Self Hosted
I have submitted lots of bugs to self hosted programs and let’s start with some achievements 🎉
- ₹₹₹ for finding P4 in self hosted
write-up read here 👇
2. HOF for finding IDOR
Write-up read here 👇
3. HOF for finding Stored xss
write-up read here 👇
4. Acknowledgement from NCIIPC
Write-up read here 👇
Now let’s see some numbers:
Total bugs submitted: 24
Awarded: 4
Still in Triaged state: 3
Informative: 2
Not Applicable: 6
No Response: 9
4. Total bugs of 2024?
Total submitted bugs: 61 (Including all self hosted and on platforms)
Rewarded: 8 HOF + 1 bounty 🎉
Triaged: 9 🤞
Not Applicable: 43 (This include all NA, Duplicate, Out of scopes, No Response, Informative) 😩
5. Bugs I reported?
=> XSS
=> HTML Injection
=> Password Reset Bugs
=> CSRF and Application Level Dos
=> File Upload bugs
=> Mass PII leak
=> Admin Panel Access
=> Broken Link Hijack
=> Failure to invalidate session after Password Change
=> No Rate Limits
=>Open Redirects
=> Sensitive Data Exposure
So this is the end of year in bugbounty from Feb to Dec around 11 months and I have also learn new things and I am still trying to improve my self and the next year will be more better 😉 and try to hunt on BBP to earn some cash to help my family 🙂.
Best wishes to all my readers 🤗 you will achieve all things what you want in your life ❤. My little suggestion “don’t compare yourself with others compare it with yourself” so that you are able to know where you are and how far you are from your dream and how you will reach there.
My little request to you, Take a break and see what you have done in this year and what you achieve and either comment your stats in the comment or write it somewhere and come back after year and see how you improve yourself from year to year 📈. Thank you for reading I will see you in next one see you 👋