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picoCTF 2022- Writeup
So I participated in 2022 picoCTF. I was able to solve some challenges for now, I got busy with some other work during the competition. I will update the writeup continuously once I complete a challenge.
Let’s start with 300 points challenges.
- St3go (Forensics)

They have given a png file to download and when we open it we can see picoCTF logo, but we need the flag.

So, let’s get into the Terminal to crack it.
I found this steganography tool for png files which helps us to detect stegano-hidden data in PNG & BMP, zsteg.
When I did used this tool with the image file, I got the flag in output easily.

2. Bbbbloat (Reverse Engineering)

We can download the binary file and inspect it. It is a 64-bit executable binary file.