Ret2Libc — -> Return To LIBC

The term “libc” is commonly used as a shorthand for the “standard C library”, a library of standard functions that can be used by all C programs (and sometimes by programs in other languages).
For more on LIBC
Whenever a function is called by a program, the arguments required for this function are loaded into stack so that it can be pointed by Base Pointer(BP) easily to process the instructions.
We cannot point an arbitraty address into Instruction Pointer (IP) to run our shellcode from that address.
This will fail, because there is no execution of shellcode when NX bit is enabled.
The common way to bypass NX bit protection is to try ret2libc attack
In this attack, we would be loading the function arguments directly into stack so that it can be called by other function we need.
So in order to make this work,
- We would be passing our arguments of the function into the stack by loading it into buffer space
- Pointing our Instruction Pointer(IP) to another function which uses our passed inputs as arguments
- Return function to execute when the program comes out of the pointed function
Reusable functions need to be pointed in Instruction Pointer (IP)
These functions can be inbuilt in the program or it can be called from libraries
For ret2libc, the function should be from LIBC
In Ret2Libc attack we will be pointing functions from LIBC library
That is how this attack got its name, “ret2libc”
When it comes to LIBC, each function inside this library is present at fixed offset from the base of the library
If library version and library base value address is known,we can calculate address of any function from it easily
To calculate the function address in LIBC , Click Here
Lets consider a vulnerable program as an example for this attack

Lets compile this binary in 32 bit mode

We did not use -z execstack
to make the stack executable
Lets run “checksec” to check the security protections of this binary file

So our NX bit should be enabled, to avoid execution in stack
Lets check that this program can be crashed or not

This program crashes when we pass input larger than the buffer size
After confirming the program crash
We need to find the offset of the Instruction Pointer (IP)
So that we can pass our payload precisely into the buffer
Lets create a random pattern in GDB-PEDA to pass it as input to find the offset value

Passing this pattern into the buffer our program crashes again

We can see that our Base Pointer (BP), Instruction Pointer (IP) are overwritten with the values from the pattern generated

Now we found the offset value of Instruction Pointer (IP) from the pattern value
Lets craft an input data in python to test whether we can overwrite the Instruction Pointer (IP) correctly or not

After our program crash, by checking the registers we can say that our input data overwrote the registers successfully

Our Instruction Pointer (IP) is filled by 0x42424242
So we control the Instruction Pointer (IP) now
To perform ret2libc successfully,we need an usable and executable function with arguments
A return function to execute in case if we need to exit the function without crash (if needed)
Before that lets check our data in stack

Program crashes again

So our data ‘XXXXYYYYZZZZ’ gets stored in Stack Pointer (SP) correctly
In the place of ‘XXXXYYYYZZZZ’ we will be passing arguments which will be executed by the function when called
So the key to perform ret2libc depends on the values in the following order
- Function needed to be called from Instrcution Pointer (Function is present in LIBC)
- Return Function which will be executed when 1st function is exited
- Arguments to be passed

Here to spawn shell we will be calling “system()” from LIBC
And passing “/bin/sh” as arguments it will spawn $
This is similar to,
The value “/bin/sh” should not be passed as string
It should be pointed from an address
When shell is spawned successfully,we need an exit function or else the program would crash
Here for this purpose we use “exit()” which is a simple exit function
To get the address of these functions, we can use GDB-PEDA to search it easily

Here we got the address of “system()” and “exit()” from LIBC
We can also see that these addresses lies in the region of executable memory of LIBC,such functions can only be used for ret2libc attack
Finding “/bin/sh” pointer

We can alose export an environment variable for our desired arguments and call it as pointers to perform ret2libc
Now with these address values lets craft our exploit in python

Do not forget to convert these addresses to little endian (If processor is little endian)

Passing this exploit inside GDB debugger, we can see PIDs

So the shell is being spawned,it also printed the output of the command
Lets try it out of the debugger

or we can also run it from the script

Sometimes your exploit may fail due to improper STDIN handling
To overcome that you can use (cat payload;cat) | ./ret2libc