Story of a 2.5k Bounty — SSRF on Zimbra Led to Dump All Credentials in Clear Text
This post is about how I and my friend got $2500 from Cafebazaar bug bounty program.
During the recon phase, I enumerated the host, the Cafebazaar’s webmail access. I conducted a port scanner:

There were plenty of open ports. Among them, the Memcached port, 11211, was abnormal. After some basic tests, it revealed that:
- There was no need to authenticate to communicate with port 11211
- Email addresses were saved by Zimbra in the cache
- There was the capability of adding/modifying/deleting the cache data
- There was the capability of conducting a DDOS attack
However, I was looking for something more dangerous, file disclosure, remote command execution or etc.
Attacking on the Zimbra
Considering the Zimbra source code:
It saves the communication protocol scheme, the username, and the backend server IP address in the Memcached. Before anything, I went through data extraction by the Metasploit, memcached_extractor module (It could be done manually):

The email addresses could be leveraged to conduct phishing or brute-force attack. However, I wasn't still satisfied with the exploit. Let’s take a look at the workflow of the Zimbra:
- a user authenticates by their credentials
- The server saves username and the backend server URL in cache
- The user works with Zimbra
- The server retrieves the backend URL from the cache
- The server communicates to the URL retrieved along with the user’s data (

Here is a sample of how Zimbra saves the data in the cache:
The format is:
The supported protocols:
Considering the note that the backend server is accessible by the internet:
I designed an attack scenario explained in the rest.
Discovering SSRF Vulnerability
The scenario was testing server against SSRF. The attack scenario was changing the backend server IP address to an arbitrary address (attacker’s server) in order to redirect server traffic.
The steps to test the SSRF:
- Making an SSL listener on a port by self-signed SSL certificate
- Changing a user’s cache to redirect the traffic
By changing the cache, a connection from received.

SSRF achieved :)
Man in the Middle
The main goal was stealing users information (credentials, emails and etc) while the mail server was working properly. I had to redirect back the traffic in order to not affect the functionality. Considering the backend open ports which were accessible from the internet, I could do this scenario.

The MITM scenario:
- A user logs-in into their account, the backend server IP is saved in the cache
- An attacker changes the backend information to their IP address
- The Zimbra’s traffic is redirected to the attacker’s server
- The attacker offloads the SSL and extracts the information (credentials and etc)
- The attacker makes SSL connection the backend ports which were open
- The attacker will bring the cache back to the default value after the attack has done for a user.
I wrote an exploit code had several sections:

1. Extracting the email addresses have already logged-in
python -m dumpusers

2. Fake IMAPSSL Server to communicate with the client
python -m mitm --port 4444
Dumps the credentials in the credentials.txt
3. Modifying the cache of all users (or a user) has already logged-in
python -m poisoning --user all --ip --port 4444
4. Changing the cache to the default values
python -m reset
Put it All Together, the Attack
In the server:
python -m mitm --port 4444
In the console:
python -m poisoning --user all --ip --port 4444
The results:

I got almost all user’s password in plain-text. The samples:

I reported the vulnerability, the responded fast, patched the flaw in less than an hour. They gave me roughly 2.5k bounty just a few days after. I hope you find this post useful.