Uncovering Hidden Cloudflare Pages and Workers
Cloudflare Pages/Workers offers a seamless platform for deploying static sites and applications, integrating directly with repositories on GitHub and GitLab. While this service enhances performance and security for legitimate users, it can inadvertently expose hidden pages or workers if not properly configured.
As penetration testers, identifying these overlooked assets is crucial for comprehensive security assessments.
Reconnaissance Tools and Techniques
Effective reconnaissance is the cornerstone of penetration testing. To uncover hidden Cloudflare Pages, consider the following tools and methodologies:
- Censys / Shodan: A powerful search engine that indexes internet-connected devices. While Shodan and Censys can reveal exposed services, its effectiveness may be limited without a paid subscription.
We can search Certificates for pages.dev

- Cert.sh: A valuable resource for discovering SSL/TLS certificates. By querying cert.sh, you can identify domains associated with Cloudflare Pages deployments.
Here is a little bash script you may use to scrape from cert.sh:
# URL to fetch
# File to save the raw HTML
# File to save the filtered results
# Fetch the HTML content and save it to a file
echo "Fetching HTML from $url..."
curl -s "$url" -o "$html_file"
# Check if the HTML file was successfully created
if [[ ! -f "$html_file" ]]; then
echo "Error: Failed to fetch HTML content."
exit 1
# Extract all unique domain names containing "pages.dev" from the HTML table
echo "Extracting unique 'pages.dev' domains..."
grep -oP '<TD>[^<]*pages\.dev[^<]*</TD>' "$html_file" | sed 's/<TD>\(.*\)<\/TD>/\1/' | sort | uniq > "$output_file"
# Check if the output file was successfully created
if [[ ! -f "$output_file" ]]; then
echo "Error: Failed to extract results."
exit 1
# Print the results to the terminal
echo "Unique 'pages.dev' domains found:"
cat "$output_file"
echo "HTML content saved to: $html_file"
echo "Filtered results saved to: $output_file"
Using the above script you will get results similar to the below list:
(If you are doing reseach on a specific target you might want to edit the above script to also include a search for your keywords/company)

Automated Reconnaissance with GoWitness
To streamline the reconnaissance process, consider using GoWitness, an open-source tool designed to capture screenshots of web pages and generate a user-friendly dashboard for analysis.
Ensure Go is installed on your system:
sudo apt install golang-go
Then, install GoWitness:
go install github.com/sensepost/gowitness@latest
gowitness scan file -f merged_file.txt
This command processes a list of URLs from merged_file.txt
, capturing screenshots and generating a report.

We can use the Gowitness dashboard to search for some interesting pages, ie: admin…

Enhancing Analysis with Eyeballer
For advanced categorization of discovered pages, integrate Eyeballer, an AI-driven tool that classifies web pages into categories such as login pages, landing pages, or dashboards.
git clone https://github.com/BishopFox/eyeballer.git
cd eyeballer
pip install -r requirements.txt
python eyeballer.py --input screenshots/ --output categorized/
This command processes the screenshots in the screenshots/
directory and outputs categorized results in the categorized/
We can see Eyeballer uses AI to categorize the pages we found :

Identifying Sensitive Resources
Examine the titles and status codes of the captured pages to identify sensitive resources, such as admin panels or internal dashboards.
For a more detailed analysis, you can generate a report with GoWitness:
gowitness scan file -f merged_file.txt -t 10 --write-db
gowitness report server
gowitness report list --db-uri sqlite://gowitness.sqlite3
gowitness server -A
These commands provide a comprehensive overview of the captured pages, facilitating the identification of critical assets.
Uncovering hidden Cloudflare Pages requires a methodical approach using tools like Shodan, cert.sh, GoWitness, and Eyeballer. By systematically applying these techniques, penetration testers can identify overlooked assets, ensuring a more comprehensive security assessment.
During my research, I discovered numerous assets that users likely assumed were hidden but were, in fact, easily accessible. The majority of my findings consisted of phishing sites, but I also uncovered sensitive files, including configuration files and shell scripts containing database credentials.
Cloudflare Pages and Workers users should remember that their Cloudflare-assigned domain is publicly visible on the internet. Relying on obscurity — such as using a long, random UUID in your subdomain — is not a foolproof security measure, as SSL certificate lookups can still expose it. To mitigate risks, always implement proper security controls and assume that your subdomain can be discovered.

Exposed DB credentials found: