Write-up: Authentication bypass via encryption oracle @ PortSwigger Academy

Frank Leitner
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
6 min readDec 20, 2022


This write-up for the lab Authentication bypass via encryption oracle is part of my walk-through series for PortSwigger’s Web Security Academy.

Learning path: Server-side topics → Business logic vulnerabilities

Python script: script.py

Lab description


As usual, the first step is to analyze the functionality of the lab application. In this lab, it is a blog website.

Posting a comment

One part of this analysis is to post a comment. I play with some of the parameters and mix valid and invalid content for email and website.

The website parameter gets checked via client-side javascript which can be circumvented but does not lead to anything interesting.

It is a different story for the email parameter:

Posting the comment with an invalid address leads to a corresponding error message. What makes it interesting is that the error is not displayed in the immediate response to the POST request.

The POST results in a redirect which in turn contains the error message including my parameter in its response. As it is an independent request this information needs to be transported. The response sets a cookie named notification which looks like this transport vehicle. It is also unset in the second request.

The content of the cookie appears to be URL- and base64-encoded but simply decoding does not result in anything legible.

I put it aside for now and go on with the analysis.

Logging in

The public area does not show anything else that appears interesting so I log in with the credentials provided.

The login form provides the option to stay logged in. If the option is set a stay-logged-in cookie is set:

One detail that jumps to attention about this cookie is that its content is very similar to the notification cookie from above. Both appear to both URL- and base64 encoded but do not result in anything legible.

Copying cookie contents

During the posting of my comment, I guessed that the notification cookie contains the error information that is converted to the error message in the second response. So what happens if I use the content of the stay-logged-in cookie?

Only one way to find out. I send the second request from my comment attempt to Burp Repeater and replace the content of the notification cookie with the content of my stay-logged-in cookie:

It shows two interesting things:

  • Both cookies are protected in the same way
  • The stay-logged-in cookie contains user information and a number that looks like a timestamp, in my case from a few minutes ago and corresponds to my login time

To impersonate the administrator I need to obtain the encrypted string administrator:1671277761824 to forge a stay-logged-in cookie for the administrative user.


Whatever content I put in the email field will get encrypted the same way as the stay-logged-in cookie. Unfortunately, the server adds a descriptive error message in front of it, in this case, Invalid email address: `.

If I find a way to either avoid this or strip this message from the notification cookie, I can forge a stay-logged-in cookie for any arbitrary user, including administrator.

I notice that the length of the encrypted stay-logged-in cookie is not directly related to the length of the email parameter. The cookie is, after urldecoding, 44 bytes long regardless of whether the email is myEmail or just my. This indicates the use of a block cipher.

A good encryption cipher will ensure that there is no observable relationship between the plaintext and the ciphertext. With minor changes in the plaintext, there should be significant changes in the ciphertext. This is called diffusion and is common in (decent) block ciphers by using some random initialization vectors (IV).

The cipher in use here does not appear to have this property. Both the plaintext as well as the ciphertext start with the same characters in both cases. The different characters afterward do not appear to affect the first part:

To better understand the structure I need to base64-decode that string and look at the hex representation:

Two things are immediately obvious:

  • The cipher uses a block size of 16 bytes. Based on the images above 32 bytes would be possible as well. It would be highly unusual though, and using just administrator as email parameter shows three lines used and confirms 16 bytes as the block size.
  • Within each block, some diffusion occurs. The second block differs on every byte whereas the last 7 bytes from the error message are static.

I remove the complete first block and reencode it, first base64- followed by urlencoding:

The result is promising, the first 16 bytes of the string are missing and the decryption is successful.

Correct the padding

By now I know that I can remove a full block of the ciphertext without negatively affecting the following blocks. There are 7 bytes of the error message that are within the second block: dress: . I cannot simply remove these 7 bytes from the second block as this violates the block integrity:

However, If I add another 9 bytes in front of my desired plaintext, then it will fill the second 16 bytes block completely and my plaintext will start at the beginning of the third block.

I send 123456789administrator:1671277761824 as the email to my encrypting method in Burp Repeater:

I send the cookie valid to Decoder, URL- and base64-decode it and remove the first two blocks of the hex representation (32 bytes):

The result I re-encode again and use the content of the notification cookie in my decryptor:

It decrypts to my desired string.

Logging in as administrator

I use the cookie editor to change the stay-logged-in cookie in my browser:

It appears that the session also contains user information and takes precedence over the stay-logged-in cookie. I remove the session cookie completely and refresh the page:

I go to the Admin panel to remove user carlos and the lab updates to

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Tech nerd, doing security stuff for fun and some as a job | CISSP-ISSAP, OSCP