Write-up: DOM XSS in document.write sink using source location.search @ PortSwigger Academy

Frank Leitner
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
3 min readDec 10, 2022


This write-up for the lab DOM XSS in document.write sink using source location.search is part of my walkthrough series for PortSwigger’s Web Security Academy.

Learning path: Client-side topics → Cross-site scripting

Python script: script.py

Lab description


The lab application is a blog website with search functionality. After performing a search, the search term is included on the result page.

A simple XSS attempt fails:

Looking at the page source, the search term displayed is properly encoded. However, it also shows that a javascript takes the search term out of the URL and writes it into an img-tag for some type of tracking:

Using the browser tools, I can inspect the resulting HTML. It is visible that my search term is embedded without any apparent safeguards:

Of course, the script tags are within a string here, so they are harmless. However, if I can terminate the string by injecting double quotes, then I can manipulate the resulting HTML freely.

The malicious payload

Injecting "><script>alert(document.domain)</script> results in the following HTML:

It is visible that I closed both the src-string and the img-tag, followed by valid JavaScript code triggering an alert-box. The remaining "> of the original content is shown as plain text and does not interfere here:

At the same moment, the lab updates to


The same result can be achieved by injecting " onload="alert(document.domain), which adds an attribute to the img tag and results in this HTML:

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Tech nerd, doing security stuff for fun and some as a job | CISSP-ISSAP, OSCP