Write-up: Information disclosure in version control history @ PortSwigger Academy

Frank Leitner
InfoSec Write-ups
Published in
3 min readFeb 6, 2023


This write-up for the lab Information disclosure in version control history is part of my walkthrough series for PortSwigger’s Web Security Academy.

Learning path: Server-side topics → Information disclosure

Python script: script.py
The script is not platform-independent. It works on Linux and perhaps on Mac. To run it on Windows, it requires WSL (it may run on Cygwin or similar Linux-like environments).

Lab description


As usual, the first step is to analyze the functionality of the lab application. In this lab, it is a shop website.

Browsing around does not reveal anything unusual. As I do not have any known credentials, I need additional means of finding content.

This can be a wild guess based on the title, Burp’s content discovery or any other directory search tool (e.g. gobuster, wfuzz, …). Very quickly, it discovers an interesting directory:

I quickly mirror the directory with wget to create a local copy with the following line:

Now I change into that directory, check the git log and find an interesting commit message in the last commit:

So I move my working directory back to the commit before that:

A quick directory listing shows an interesting file with even more interesting content:

Now it is simply a matter of logging in with administrator:xdewmitje2uxb30llr06 and accessing the Admin panel:

After I delete user carlos, the lab updates to



Tech nerd, doing security stuff for fun and some as a job | CISSP-ISSAP, OSCP