Member-only story
Writeup to the Brixel winter capture the flag

Contents at a glance
- Introduction
- dem challenges
- An honourable mention
- Final thoughts
- Acknowledgements
- Endnotes
After Christmas day, the Brixel winter capture the flag (2020 ed.) commenced. In this CTF, the contestants are presented with fifty-nine (59) different challenges that are organised into nine categories: cryptography, internet¹, stenography, OSINT,² forensics, programming, reverse engineering or cracking, and old tech.
I signed up as the user EntropyThot and started a “team” consisting of myself called the Rocking Philosophers. I rank in the 39th percentile and got a raw score of 75 (see the chart below³). I only solved nine out of the total fifty-nine challenges, but nonetheless would like to discuss some of them and an honourable mention of a fun little challenge that I couldn’t solve, but worth mentioning because it can be used to reference two amazing Twitter users.